Prostate information and support
- Risk and symptoms
- Prostate tests
- Just diagnosed
- Choosing a treatment
- Follow-up after treatment
- If your prostate cancer comes back
- Prostate cancer treatments for trans women
- Active surveillance
- Watchful waiting
- Surgery
- External beam radiotherapy
- Permanent seed brachytherapy
- Hormone therapy
- High dose-rate brachytherapy
- Cryotherapy
- Treatment options after your first hormone therapy
- Darolutamide
- Chemotherapy
- Abiraterone
- Enzalutamide
- Radiotherapy for advanced prostate cancer
- Bisphosphonates
- Clinical trials
- Apalutamide
- Olaparib
- Relugolix
Living with prostate cancer
- How hormone therapy affects you
- Practical things
- Pelvic floor muscle exercises
- Information for gay and bisexual men
- Travelling with prostate cancer
- Urinary problems
- Fatigue
- Sex and relationships
- Bowel problems
- Your diet and physical activity
- Dealing with emotional impact of prostate cancer
- Physical activity and prostate cancer
- Advanced prostate cancer
Get support
- Our Specialist Nurses
- Risk Information Service
- Wellbeing hub
- Partners family and friends
- One-to-One peer support service
- Sexual support
- Support groups
- Help with fatigue
- Emotional Support
- Diet and exercise support
- Using the online community
- Recently diagnosed
- Email Support and Information
- One-to-one support survey
- Our Online Community
- Specialist Nurse-led webinars
- Our publications
- Further information
- Risk campaign
About Us
- Best Practice Pathway
- Transperineal prostate biopsy
- Erectile dysfunction
- Cancer Strategies and Plans
- Prostate Cancer UKs Diagnostic Demand Model
- TrueNTH
- mpMRI
- mpMRI for healthcare professionals
- COVID-19 Response
- Access to drugs
- Life after prostate cancer diagnosis
- Clinical Nurse Specialist CNS workforce
- Active Surveillance
- Making the case for CNSs
- One Cancer Voice A manifesto for people living with cancer
- Proton beam therapy
- Earlier docetaxel
- Nursing workforce survey key results
- Wellbeing services
- Health and Social Care Professionals programme
- Croydon toolkit
- A growing trend towards prostate specialists in UK radiotherapy centres
- Managing side effects of radiotherapy
- Policy challenges 2024
- Media
- Who we are
- News and Views
- Insights magazine
- Reports and reviews
- The Pioneers
- Vacancies
- Terms and Conditions
- Policies
- Movember
- Contact us
Get Involved
- Donate
Find a fundraising event
- Skydive
- Run the Month
- Jeff's March
- North Downs 50 Challenge
- Chiltern 50 Challenge
- Cycle the Month
- Thames Bridges Trek
- Thames Path Challenge
- South Coast Challenge
- South West Coast 50 Challenge
- Peak District Challenge
- Cotswold Way Challenge
- Lake District Challenge
- London 2 Brighton Challenge
- Jurassic Coast Challenge
- Isle of Wight Challenge
- Easter 50 Challenge
- Ride Across Britain
- Bath Half Marathon
- Royal Parks Half Marathon
- Great North Run
- Edinburgh Marathon Festival
- Berlin Marathon
- Brighton Marathon
- London Marathon
- Ultra Challenges
- London Landmarks Half Marathon
- The Big Golf Race
- Cycle the Month: Choose Your Challenge
- Run the Month: Marathon Edition
- London Winter Walk
- London Halloween Walk
- Grand Depart Classic
- Other events
- March for Men
- Manchester Marathon
- Hackney Half Marathon
- Dundee Kiltwalk
- Edinburgh Kiltwalk
- London Summer Walk
- London Carols
- Glasgow Kiltwalk
- Aberdeen Kiltwalk
- Prostate United
- Bath 50 Challenge
- Gower Peninsula Challenge
- Thames Moonlight 10 Walk
- Chiltern 50 Challenge 25
- Kent Downs 50 Challenge
- London Halloween Walk 25
- The Big Half
- Tour De 4
- Activity
- Organise your own fundraising
- March for Men
- Prostate Cancer UK shop
- Volunteer with us
- Incontinence
- Concerns about the quality of your healthcare
- Contact your local politician
- Sign up to campaign with us
- 2022 Northern Ireland Manifesto
- Letter to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
- Our manifesto for the next Government
- Our programme for the next Government
- Change NHS guidelines now
- Charity partnerships
- The Prostate Cancer Memorial
- Share your story
- Special events
- Pub fundraising
- The Month challenges
- The Peoples Choice Award
- For researchers
- Our research strategy
Research we fund
- RIA23-ST2-016
- ria16-st2-006
- pg12-27
- TLD-CAF24-001
- TLD-CAF24-007
- MA-ETNA19-006
- TLD-CAF24-004
- ria16-st2-001
- MA-TIA23-001
- ria17-st2-012
- RIA23-ST2-003
- cdf12-002
- RIA23-ST2-006
- ria16-st2-022
- MA-TIA23-006
- pg13-025
- MA-TIA23-002
- ria18-st2-022
- MA-TIA23-007
- TLD-CAF23-003
- ria16-st2-005
- TLD-CAF23-009
- ria15-st2-005
- TLD-CAF23-007
- tld-s15-009
- TLD-CAF23-005
- RIA22-ST2-006
- TLD-CAF22-009
- ria18-st2-003
- TLD-CAF22-001
- RIA22-ST2-010
- MA-IMM19-009
- RIA22-ST2-001
- RIA17-ST2-020
- RIA22-ST2-004
- RIA17-ST2-017
- RIA22-ST2-003
- RIA22-ST2-012
- MA-TIA22-001
- pa14-002
- MA-TIA22-005
- ria15-st2-030
- pg14-008-tr2
- TLD-PF19-006
- MA-ETNA19-003
- pg12-34
- S12-026
- PG13-033
- pa14-012
- RIA22-ST2-009
- pg14-010-tr2
- TLD-PF19-005
- pg12-14
- tld-pf16-004
- pg14-009-tr2
- pg14-006
- ria17-st2-019
- MA-PM16-002
- ria18-st2-011
- ria15-st2-029
- ams15-001
- cso-pg13-005
- MA-CT20-005
- cdf13-001
- MA-CT20-006
- MA-CT20-007
- MA-CT20-010
- MA-CT20-011
- MA-CT21-005
- MA-ETNA19-005
- MA-ETNA19-009
- MA-IMM19-001
- MA-IMM19-003
- MA-IMM19-010
- MA-IMM19-013
- ma-pm16-001-1
- ma-tr15-007
- pg12-23
- ma-tr15-009
- mrc-crtf13-001
- pa12-01
- pa12-04
- pa12-06
- pa12-12
- pa12-15
- pa13-001
- pa13-016
- pa14-007
- pa14-009
- pa14-022
- pa14-034
- pg09-23
- pg09-26
- pg09-29
- pg10-10
- pg10-15
- pg10-17
- pg12-01
- pg12-02
- pg12-03
- pg12-12
- pg12-16
- pg12-24
- pg12-39
- pg12-49
- pg13-018
- pg13-019
- pg13-021
- pg13-026
- pg13-029
- pg13-036
- pg14-007-tr2
- pg14-014
- pg14-016-tr2
- pg14-018-tr2
- pg15-001-rk
- rcs12-001
- ria15-st2-014
- ria15-st2-018
- ria15-st2-022
- ria15-st2-031
- ria16-st2-011
- ria16-st2-020
- ria16-st2-024
- ria17-st2-001
- ria17-st2-003
- ria18-st2-004
- ria18-st2-013
- ria18-st2-014
- ria18-st2-021
- ria18-st2-023
- RIA19-ST2-004
- RIA19-ST2-005
- RIA19-ST2-008
- RIA19-ST2-009
- RIA19-ST2-014
- RIA19-ST2-020
- s10-01
- s10-10
- s12-008
- s12-018
- s12-021
- s12-027
- s12-029
- s13-007
- s13-008
- s13-012
- s13-016
- s13-020
- s14-001
- s14-007
- s14-017
- tld-pf15-002
- tld-pf16-002
- TLD-PF19-002
- TLD-PF19-004
- TLD-PF21-001
- tld-s15-005
- tld-s15-006
- movember centres of excellence
- ceo13-2-002-profile
- RIA21-ST2-006
- RIA21-ST2-007
- RIA21-ST2-003
- RIA21-ST2-002
- RIA21-ST2-010
- RIA21-ST2-016
- RIA21-ST2-011
- RIA21-ST2-021
- TLD-CAF22-003
- TLD-CAF22-012
- TLD-CAF22-011
- RIA21-ST2-023
- RIA21-ST2-009
- PG10-25
- tld-s15-003
- PG14-038
- pg14-009
- RIA21-ST2-015
- PA13-005
- s14-004
- ria17-st2-014
Research impact
- Transforming prostate cancer diagnosis
- The world's first precision medicine for prostate cancer
- Effective treatment for aggressive prostate cancer that's still contained within the prostate
- Stopping advanced prostate cancer in its tracks
- Extending men's lives with radiotherapy for advanced prostate cancer
- Overcoming treatment resistance
- Clinical trials
For Health Professionals
- Our projects
- PSA Consensus 2024
- The CNS Framework
- Guidelines
- Consultation toolkit
- Active surveillance toolkit
- Men Cancer Care Reviews
- Health Inequities Conference
- Early Diagnosis Webinar for Scotland
- Resource palliative care
- Barriers to Action
- Explaining hospital referral to patients
- Fewer Men Face Harm in Prostate Cancer Diagnosis
- Engaging with Black communities
- Personalised Stratified Follow-Up
- Sexual Wellbeing Hub
- MRI Quality Improvement
- PSA Consensus Conference 2024
- Clinical champions programme
- Leading Improvement
- mpMRI before biopsy
- Active surveillance
- Best Practice and Innovation
- Common questions on active surveillance in prostate cancer
- Making the case for Clinical Nurse Specialists
- Resources
- Online learning
- Education
- Courses and Workshops
- COVID-19 Information and Resources
- Supporting patients being referred for suspected prostate cancer
- Prostate Cancer UK Active Surveillance consensus statement
- mpMRI scanner protocols
- Best practice active surveillance guideline
- Prostate Cancer Risk Management Programme (Public Health England, 2016)
- The National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (NCRAS) 'Get data out'
- Prostate Cancer Guidelines (European Association of Urology, Updated 2019)
- Best practice pathway (diagnosis, treatment, care)
- Erectile Dysfunction after Surgery
- Treating erectile dysfunction after radical radiotherapy and androgen deprivation therapy ADT for prostate cancer
- Guidelines on the Management of Erectile Dysfunction (British Society for Sexual Medicine, Updated 2018)
- Guidelines on Male Sexual Dysfunction: Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation and Penile Curvature (EAU, Updated 2017)
- Guidelines on Urinary Incontinence (EAU, Updated 2018)
- Management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (AUA, Updated 2014)
- Lower urinary tract symptoms CG97 (NICE, Updated 2015)
- Guidelines on management of Non-neurogenic Male LUTS (EAU, Updated 2017)
- Guidelines on Chronic Pelvic Pain (EAU, Updated 2016)
- Chronic prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome
- Guidelines on Adult Testosterone Deficiency, with Statements for UK Practice (2017)
- Prostate Cancer: diagnosis and management NG131 (NICE, Updated 2019)
- Navigating NICE NG12 and PCRMP guidelines on PSA testing
- PSA consensus 2024
- PSA blood test - NHS guidelines and Prostate Cancer UK’s risk checker
- Making the case for Clinical Nurse Specialists
Best Practice and Innovation
- mpMRI case studies
- Northamptonshire Healthcare Foundation Trust
- Betsi Cadwaladr
- Royal Surrey
- South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- John Taylor Hospice
- Peterborough and Stamford
- Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- Royal Marsden
- North Bristol NHS Trust
- RUH Bath
- Penny Brohn Cancer Support
- Maggie's Fife
- The Christie NHS Foundation Trust - Community based follow up clinics
- Birmingham LGBT Centre and METRO Walnut
- St Francis case study
- LGBT Conference
- Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust
- The Christie NHS Foundation Trust - Prostate specialist radiographer
- Survivorship Conferences
- Understanding Active Surveillance
- NHS Fife
- Barts Health and St. Joseph's Hospice
- Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Trust
- Health with Hawthorn
- Relate
- Guy's and St Thomas'
- NHS Lothian
- St Michael’s Hospice
- Improving fatigue
- North West London Hospital Trust
- Croydon Enhanced primary care-led prostate cancer follow-up
- Wirral CCG
- Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- City Hospital Sunderland
- Newcastle
- Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
- Innovation Events
- Spring 2022 Innovation Event
- Summer 2022 Innovation Event
- Winter 2023 Innovation Event
- Spring 2023 Innovation Event
- Summer PCN DES event
- Winter 2024 Innovation Event
- Innovation Event: Optimising the diagnostic pathway
- Data and Evidence
- Search