Our Supporters
27 Mar 2020
This article is more than 3 years old

In uncertain times: men, we are with you

A message from our CEO: We’re here for you during this strange and tough time. Here’s four helpful things you can do for you or someone affected by prostate cancer.

As coronavirus continues to spread across the UK, the coming weeks will be unpredictable. I wanted to get in touch to show you that we'll be here for you and your loved ones – to keep you informed and address your concerns, to share the expertise and positivity of the brilliant people that make up our movement, and to share all the ways you can get involved to support the men who need us more than ever.

Get informed

We've worked with other UK cancer charities as part of ‘One Cancer Voice’ and with NHS England to develop information on coronavirus for people with cancer and their loved ones

Here is some information and frequently asked questions about coronavirus for men who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, informed by calls to our nurses and questions online. The information covers risk, treatment and more. This is a rapidly evolving situation, so we’ll update this page as things progress and let you know as soon as we learn more.

For the latest information about coronavirus for the general public, including symptoms to look out for, what to do if you think you have coronavirus, and ways to reduce your risk of catching or spreading coronavirus, visit the NHS website.

Get connected

It’s important that we all stay connected during times like these, especially while social distancing. Phone calls, video calls and text messaging allow us to keep chatting with friends and family. It’s great for emotional support and mental health.

Our online communities and social media channels are a great way for you to keep informed and interact with others going through similar experiences.

Join in the chat on our – online forum   Facebook   Instagram   Twitter.

Get support

If the FAQs don’t cover your concerns and you need further support during this time, you can speak to one of our Specialist Nurses on phone, email or live chat. 

We can also help partners, family members, friends, and health professionals with any questions you may have. Please be aware that we are experiencing high demand for our services at the moment, so please be patient and keep trying. 

What do you need? 

Please take a few minutes to fill out our survey and let us know how we can best support you in the coming months.  We want to be there for you and this will help us get this right.


What it means for our work for men

Our commitment to building the future men deserve is unwavering. We’ll continue to work to create a world where no lives are limited by prostate cancer. Right now we need to support men and their families who need us most, and that's exactly what we’re doing.

But as you’d expect a lot of our activity will change significantly in the coming weeks. We have postponed many events for the safety and wellbeing of you, men with prostate cancer, and those around them. This will have a major impact on our ability to fund our work. We know our fundraising this year will be much lower than we had planned and it’s likely we’ll have to stop or delay some of the essential things we do. 

We realise this is an uncertain time for everyone, but if you are able to donate during this time it would have a huge impact on our ability to support men with prostate cancer and continue our vital research, so that when we're through this period of uncertainty, we're able to forge ahead together to stop prostate cancer from limiting lives. 


We hope you find this helpful and that you and your loved ones can stay safe during this time.

Men, we are with you.


Chief Executive

Prostate Cancer UK​