
Our Travelling Prize Fellowships aim to provide a unique opportunity for the most outstanding early career researchers to begin to develop their independent research careers, working in the best research environments in the UK and overseas.

Applicants should demonstrate the potential to be an independent researcher, and these Fellowships will help to accelerate the career trajectories of successful recipients and ultimately ensure they make the biggest impact for men affected by prostate cancer.

These Fellowships provide the opportunity to spend at least six months at another research institution to establish collaborations as well as learning new skills and techniques that will support career development as a prostate cancer researcher.

This call has now closed

Further details about this scheme can be found in our Guidance Notes.

The deadline for submissions was 24 June 2021

Application process

Submission Deadline: Prospective fellows must submit their proposals and ensure that all online declarations and approvals have been completed by the relevant parties before 12pm (noon) on 24 June 2021.

Peer Review: Submitted applications will first be checked for eligibility, after which they will be subject to external peer review.

Shortlisting: Following peer review, applications will be assessed by members of our Research Advisory Committee in September 2021 and shortlisted applicants will be invited to interview.

Interviews: Interviews will take place with representatives of our Research Advisory Committee in October 2021 (shortlisted applicants will be informed a couple of weeks before interview).

Funding Decisions: Funding recommendations will be made in November 2021. Applicants will be notified as to the outcome of their submission via email shortly afterwards and all applicants will receive detailed feedback.

All awards will be made in accordance with our standard grant terms and conditions.

Remit & Eligibility

These Fellowship awards are aimed at early career researchers seeking their first independent fellowship funding. In a change from previous rounds, we have decided to extend the eligibility criteria to researchers who are within 4 years of their PhD viva, as of 1st October 2021 (reasonable career breaks will be taken into consideration). Candidates may also apply if they are in the final year of their PhD.

Awards are for three to four years and must align with our research strategy.

A period of at least six months must be spent outside of the Fellows' host institution (either elsewhere in the UK, or abroad). Awards can be for up to £250,000 if solely based in the UK, or a total of £300,000 if the Fellowship includes a placement at one or more institutions outside the UK.

Travelling Prize Fellowships must be held at a UK-based University, NHS site or other recognised higher research institution, and all awards made will be in line with our terms and conditions (please note - these terms may be subject to change). 

Please see the guidance document for further information.

Application success rates

  • 2020/21: call closed.
  • 2019/20: 57% success rate, 7 applications received.
  • 2017-19: call closed.
  • 2016/17: 33% success rate, 6 applications received.
  • 2015/16: 33% success rate, 3 applications received.


If you have any questions or would like to discuss an application with the Research Team, please e-mail [email protected].