Together, we can transform the future for men and their families affected by prostate cancer. Gifts left to Prostate Cancer UK in Wills make up around 25% of our income each year. We rely on this special way of giving to make real change for men. 

By leaving a gift in your Will to Prostate Cancer UK, you’ll be giving the gift of a better future to our dads, brothers, grandads and sons. 

Complete our form to receive your free guide to leaving a gift in your Will, plus the opportunity to have your Will written for free. Learn more about: 

  • Why you should have a Will and how you can easily write one 
  • How your legacy will be spent to save men’s lives 
  • How you can get a free Will through Prostate Cancer UK

Thank you for considering a gift in your Will to Prostate Cancer UK. If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected]

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