Our Scientific Advisory Board consists of independent, internationally leading researchers and clinicians who support the charity in identifying how best to allocate our funds towards large-scale research programmes and studies (through our Transformational Impact Awards). This group also provides impartial strategic guidance to shape the future direction of our major research investments.

The membership of this Committee has been carefully selected to provide a broad range of expertise to cover the breadth of research contained within our research strategy. The involvement of clinicians/researchers who are independent of the Charity is essential to ensure a rigorous and transparent assessment process so that the charity can continue to fund the very best research with the greatest potential to benefit men. 

Our Scientific Advisory Board must adhere to our  Conflicts of Interest Policy.

Scientific Advisory Board members

Independent chair

Professor Fran Balkwill - Professor of Cancer Biology & Deputy Centre Lead for the Centre for Tumour Microenvironment, Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London; London, UK

Researchers and clinicians

Professor Francesca Demichelis - Professor of Computational & Functional Oncology, University of Trento; Trento, Italy

Associate Professor Eleni Efstathiou - Section Chief of Genitourinary Medical Oncology, Houston Methodist Cancer Centre; Texas, USA

Professor Karim Fizazi - Medical Oncologist, Gustave Roussy & Full Professor in Oncology, University of Paris-Saclay in Villejuif; Paris, France

Professor Karin Haustermans - Chair of the Department of Radiation Oncology, Leuven Cancer Institute, University Hospital Gasthuisberg & Full Professor, KU Leuven; Leuven, Belgium

Professor Ingunn Holen - Professor of Bone Oncology and Science, University of Sheffield; Lead Sheffield ECMC & Chair of the British Association for Cancer Research; Sheffield, UK

Professor Guido Jenster - Professor of Experimental Urological Oncology, Erasmus Medical Centre; Rotterdam, Netherlands

Professor Gary Middleton - Professor of Medical Oncology, University of Birmingham; Birmingham, UK

Professor Owen Sansom - Director, CRUK Beatson Institute & Director, Institute of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow

Professor David Sebag-Montefiore - Professor of Clinical Oncology and Health Research, Director of the Leeds Cancer Research Centre, Director of the Leeds CRUK Centre of Excellence for Radiotherapy Research, Clinical Director of the Leeds CRUK Clinical Trial Unit; Leeds, UK

Dr Neal Shore - Medical Director, Carolina Urologic Research Center & CMO, Urology/Surgical Oncology, GenesisCare; South Carolina, USA

Associate Professor Eliezer Van Allen - Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Chief of the Division of Population Sciences, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; & Associate Member at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard; Boston, USA

Associate Professor Jochen Walz - Associate Professor in Urology and Head of the Department of Urology at the Institut Paoli-Calmettes Cancer Centre in Marseille, France.


Patient and public involvement representatives

Mrs Dawn Friend

Mrs Ann Graham 

Mr Robert Oldroyd 

Mr Derek Price