
Call closed. 

These unique awards provide up to £350K of funding for the most promising early career postdoctoral researchers to pursue their own independent research goals, and accelerate their career trajectories to ultimately ensure they make the biggest impact for men affected by prostate cancer.  
These awards are designed to help you build a network outside of your home institution (and ideally outside the UK). It’s your opportunity to establish collaborations and learn new skills & techniques from the best research environments to help you carve out your own niche and become an independent leader in prostate cancer research. 

Remit & Eligibility

  • Applicants must be at least in their final year of their PhD and have at most 5 years’ post-doctoral experience, as of 1 October 2024. Career breaks will be taken into account. 
    Clinical researchers are no longer supported through this scheme, but are encouraged to get in touch with the office to discuss alternate routes of funding.
  • The host institution must be a recognised UK academic institution.
  • The duration of the fellowship must be between 3 to 4 years and projects must align with our research strategy.
  • Fellowships must include a collaboration with researchers at another institution, either within the UK or abroad.  Physical placements are encouraged, but virtual or other ways to develop collaborations will also be considered. Collaborations should be strong enough for joint publications to be a potential output of this award. 
  • Applicants will need to identify their Primary Mentor at their host institution as well as their Partnering Mentor(s) at the institution(s) they wish to collaborate with prior to submission. We strongly advise that the mentors provide advice for completion of the application.   
  • Applicants can carry out the fellowship on a part-time basis, at a level no lower than 75% FTE.

Funding can be applied for:

• The salary of the Fellow 
• Additional laboratory personnel support if required (e.g. laboratory technician time) 
• Research consumables (that are direct costs of the project) 
• Collaboration costs (including associated travel) 
• Conference costs 

We will not accept applications that are:

• Intended solely or primarily to fund the purchase of equipment 
• From researchers based entirely outside the UK for the duration of the fellowship 
• From clinical early career researchers
• Without a collaborative component 
• From commercial organisations 
• Outside the remit of our Research Strategy 

Applications must be made using our online Grants Management System (CC Grant Tracker). Once registered with the system, you will have access to the application form. Further details can be found in the Applicant Guidance Notes.

Public and Patient Involvement

We encourage applicants to actively involve patients and the public to help shape and deliver their research project from conception to the dissemination of results. The involvement of people affected by prostate cancer can lead to better quality applications and improved outcomes of research, thus resulting in applications that are more likely to receive funding. If you would like support to involve people affected by prostate cancer in your research, we can put you in contact with members of our Patient Representative Network.

Find out more

For information on what to include in your application form, please see the guidance notes.

Applicant Guidance Notes

Funds must be in accordance with our current finance guidance. 

Finance Guidance

Assessment Process

Deadline: Prospective Fellows must submit their application and make sure that all online declarations and approvals have been completed by the relevant parties before 1pm on 31 May 2024
Peer Review: Submitted applications will then be subject to external peer review (in line with AMRC guidance). The peer reviewers' comments will be sent to the applicants (anonymously) via our online system.
Shortlisting: Following peer review, applications will be shortlisted by a sub-set of our Research Advisory Committee (including a Patient and Public Involvement Representative) and applicants will be informed whether they’ve been shortlisted in October 2024.
Interviews: Interviews for shortlisted applicants will take place on 4 November 2024. 
Decision and Notification: Final funding decisions will be made in November 2024 after which applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application. 

To keep up to date with the latest information on this call, connect with us on Twitter @ProstateUKProfs

Contact us

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your eligibility or a potential application with us, please e-mail [email protected]

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Frequently Asked Questions

Thinking about or already started applying to one of our funding schemes? Here are some frequently asked questions to assist you with your queries

Frequently Asked Questions

Application success rates

  • 2022: 33% success rate, 12 applications received
  • 2023: 44% success rate, 9 applications received

Meet our Early Career Fellows

Joe Taylor Headshot

Dr Joe Taylor

Tipping the balance towards prostate cancer cell death

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Asma Ahmed Hassan Elshiekh Headshot

Dr Asma Ahmed Hassan Elshiekh

Boosting the immune system to treat prostate cancer

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Edward O'neill Headshot

Dr Edward O'Neill

Treating very small tumours with targeted radiotherapy to prevent recurrence

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Abraham Gihawi Headshot

Dr Abraham Gihawi

Discovering new bacteria and how they are linked to aggressive prostate cancer

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Dr Victoria Dunne

Dr Victoria Dunne

Seeking the cells spreading prostate cancer to the bones

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202202 Emma Scott

Dr Emma Scott

Sugars on the surface of prostate cancer cells and their interaction with immune cells

Read more

Researcher Mentoring Scheme

Have you considered joining our mentoring scheme for career-focussed support and personal development?

Mentoring scheme