Every pound you raise will make a big difference in our fight to beat prostate cancer.

£1 could pay to scan a section of prostate cancer tissue, which scientists can use to understand how to prevent prostate cancer from coming back and why the disease develops.

£100 could cover one man’s travel cost to participate in a clinical trial - contributing to the important final steps in bringing a new treatment to men.

£2,000 could allow researchers to buy a drug which has already been developed for another disease, which can be tested in men with prostate cancer as a potential new treatment.


Share the above and let your donors know how their money will help fund lifesaving research and vital support for men and their families affected by prostate cancer. Don’t forget to let your friends and family know what their support means to you and how much you appreciate it.

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Find out more about our latest research

We have a bold ambition: to stop prostate cancer limiting men's lives. And it’s through funding research that we will make this happen.

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