How you can get involved
We've been overwhelmed by the responses of our wonderful supporters, companies and councils, in wanting to get involved with this campaign and so a massive heartfelt thank you to all of you who are doing a fabulous job in campaigning on this issue and creating changes for men.
To make life easier for you, we've created some resources so that you can continue to make some noise about this campaign and to celebrate your successes. Whether it’s writing to your local councillors, MP, a local business, or sharing our logo for signage, the below should be able to help you with making sure the right conversations are happening.
We've got a number of templates for you to write to your MP, councillors or businesses. If you do decide to share your personal experiences, we'd recommend only sharing what you are happy to and want to talk about publicly.
You can write to your Councillor and let them know that Boys need Bins. Many councils are learning about the campaign either via our supporters, seeing coverage in the papers or hearing about it. It is very heartening that Councils are recognising the needs of incontinent men and are drafting motions to bring in bins.
You'll find a draft Council motion developed by Hampshire County Council that was submitted by Councillor Tod, further down this page, saving your Councillor having to create this.
Join 2,400 of our supporters and continue to bang the drum with your MP. Our report has some incredibly insightful findings about what incontinent men experience when trying to dispose of their products and their daily challenges. We also speak to businesses and find out that they are in the dark about male incontinence.
Let your MP know about our findings and share our report Lifting the lid on male incontinence with your MP.
We’ve created a draft letter for you to send to your business to raise awareness about male incontinence and ask if they would consider bringing in bins for their staff, visitors and the like.
Feel free to copy from below and also remember that if you do decide to add in your own experiences, it will make your letter more personal and impactful.
Subject Matter: Lifting the lid on male incontinence
I am writing to you as a local resident and supporter of Prostate Cancer UK, as I’d like to bring to your attention a matter, that you may well not be aware of.
Did you know that in the UK:
- 1 in 25 men aged over 40 will experience some form of urinary leakage every year1.
- 60% of men who have a radical prostatectomy post prostate cancer diagnosis, may experience urinary incontinence2
- Approximately 1% of men suffer bowel incontinence, rising to 5.1% for those aged 60+. 3
This issue is little known and I am writing to you to see what support (INSERT BUSINESS /COUNCIL NAME) can provide for men who are incontinent and are struggling on a daily basis to find toilets where they can dispose of their sanitary waste. This campaign is called Boys need Bins.
By introducing male sanitary bins in male toilets, it will mean men will be able to easily dispose of their sanitary waste in a safe, hygienic and dignified manner. There are heart wrenching stories of men carrying their wet and sodden pads in rucksacks to take home as they can’t find a bin at work or whilst they are out and about. Prostate Cancer UK’s report, Lifting the lid on male incontinence*4 found that men feel embarrassed, ashamed and anxious about this and are isolating themselves as a result of this issue
Many believe that the cost of introducing one or more bins into a premises, will be prohibitive and therefore immediately becomes unfeasible. Prostate Cancer UK have spoken to those who have introduced bins and the below demonstrates the cost and what the benefit is to your business/workplace, etc.
I would urge you to speak to your leadership team about this matter and to consider the feasibility of introducing sanitary bin/s for men in their toilets, highlighting the nominal cost below.
The below table demonstrates the business case for introducing male sanitary bins into your space.
Cost |
Benefit |
Cost Prostate Cancer Research UK have found that the cost is nominal and that 1 bin from a hygiene provider costs approx £9-12 pcm. |
Attract a new customer base as we know 1 in 4 men will go to places where they know bins are available.*5 |
Cost Cost of unblocking toilets as men will be flushing non-flushables vs cost of male sanitary bins. Businesses are spending upto £5,000 p.a unblocking toilets. *4 Environmental impact as non flushables will be creating sewerage problems and fatbergs. |
Health & wellbeing Men are wearing their pads for longer and so experience physical conditions like UTIs, fungal infections, rashes, sores.*4 Avoid lost days at work, better staff health, manage isolation issues. |
Practical Bins do not have to be placed in all cubicles. Men just need to know which cubicle/s have the bin/s. Prostate Cancer UK can provide signage to support with this. |
Equality and Inclusion We live and work in diverse communities and to be truly inclusive, the needs of all should be equally considered. |
With your support, you can lead on delivering change and support men who experience incontinence/wear a stoma bag or use products that require sanitary disposal, so that they have provision for a dedicated male sanitary bin in your male toilets and locality.
If you would like to find out more about the Boys need Bins campaign, or want to know what else you can do to promote the needs of incontinent men, then please do get in touch with either myself or the Boys need Bins campaign team.
With my best wishes,
Boys need Bins national stakeholders
2 &
You'll find below, our report, a draft Council motion, our Boys need Bins logo which can be used for signage, creating stickers,etc, as well as a costings document to present to businesses, Councils and your MP if needed.
Our report details findings from workplaces includes highlighting the lack of knowledge of male incontinence as well as the cost to unblocking toilets. It also includes insights from men about their experiences about disposing of their products and what they think about using disabled toilets.
You can read our report here.
The below copy is Hampshire County Council's motion. This copy and can be used as a template by Councillors for drafting a motion.
Boys need bins draft motion
This Council notes:
• Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed, rising to 1 in 4 for Black men. As many as 69% of those treated with surgery may experience urinary incontinence as a result.
• 1 in 25 men aged over 40 will experience some form of urinary leakage every year.
• 1 in 20 men aged 60 or over will experience bowel incontinence in the UK.
• Men who need to dispose of their sanitary waste (including incontinence pads, pouches, stoma, catheter, colostomy, ileostomy waste by-products) often have no direct access to a sanitary bin in male toilets.
This Council believes:
• that men should be able to safely and hygienically dispose of incontinence products easily and with dignity wherever they go
• that men who need to dispose of their sanitary waste should have direct access to a sanitary bin in male toilets.
This Council resolves:
• That the Executive Member for INSERT RELEVANT SERVICE e.g., Countryside and Regulatory Services should consider as soon as reasonably practicable the provision of at least one sanitary bin in all INSERT, eg County Council male toilets – both public and in council buildings.
• To encourage other providers of public and workplace toilets in our area to make male sanitary bins available in their facilities.
• To support Prostate Cancer UK’s ‘Boys need Bins’ campaign.
• That the Leader should write on behalf of the Council to our local MPs asking them to support Prostate Cancer UK’s ‘Boys need Bins’ campaign and their request for Government to update any necessary regulations to ensure that ‘suitable means for the disposal of sanitary dressings’ is provided in all toilets.
We've been asked by many businesses nationally for a logo to display that their toilets have a bin inside. You can use the below infographic within your facility for this purpose and for any social media posts, PR.
We would recommend signage on the outside of toilet doors and can use the below to create stickers, posters, A5 signage.
You can also share our costings document which gives businesses and Councils an overview of how much it’d cost to install male sanitary bins. In a nutshell, it's a nominal cost ranging between £29-£108 every year. We found that businesses in our report were spending up to £5,000 every year to unblock toilets. The argument is simple and the economic benefits are plain to see.
Spend the next 5 minutes reading through our report and find out what men and workplaces are saying.
Keep in touch
You can keep in touch with us by following us on X and share any successes with your campaigning .
You can use the hashtag #BoysneedBins when posting and we'll find it.
Or you can contact us at [email protected]
We're always happy to hear from you.