
Prostate Cancer UK is leading the fight against prostate cancer. We fund groundbreaking research, drive improvements in treatment, and fight injustice in care. Now we’ve set ourselves the toughest challenge yet: to stop prostate cancer being a killer.


Continuing to build on two decades of progress

In the last 20 years we've invested over £37 million into groundbreaking research. Today, we know more about prostate cancer than we could have imagined even a few years ago. We’re getting to grips with how it evolves, what it looks like at a molecular level, and how it can vary between one man and another.

There are new life-prolonging treatments for advanced disease, and health authorities at last see the importance of consistent, quality care for men living with and after prostate cancer.

But there’s still so much more we need to learn, and we’re not going to stop until we’ve got the answers to all our questions. That’s why we’re investing heavily in research, focusing on three areas:

  • Better diagnosis
    We’ll fund research that will pick up on aggressive prostate cancer sooner, predict and manage the impact it will have, and reduce today’s number of biopsies and unnecessary treatments for cancers that are harmless.
  • Better treatments
    We’ll invest in putting effective treatments, with fewer side effects, into the hands of the men who need them, wherever they live in the UK.
  • Better prevention
    The first step in stopping prostate cancer is to understand what starts it and what makes cancer cells tick. The second is blocking its return following primary treatment. For us, both are a priority.


Looking out for men now and in the future

Planning a future from prostate cancer doesn’t mean that we’re going to leave men already living with and after this disease standing alone. We’ll continue to provide award-winning support to men with prostate cancer through our Specialist Nurses, peer support, and information.

But we’re not going to keep plugging the gaps in healthcare provision that are the responsibility of health services. We know what the best care looks like and where it is lacking. We will highlight what needs to change, including some of the solutions we’ve already pioneered. And we want men to understand what the best care looks like for themselves and how to get it.

We’ll also be working with health professionals at every level of care. We know that their relationships with men will be key to identifying what needs to change, and making it happen, and we’ll be with them every step of the way.