Health and Social Care Professionals programme

Building on the work of the National Cancer Survivorship Institute, and utilising funding from our committed partners the Movember Foundation & Royal Mail, we funded 59 health professionals based in the NHS and other health organisations to test new or innovative models of care to support men living with and beyond prostate cancer. 

Between them, those professionals have supported more than 38,000 people through 44 different projects, across all four nations in the UK and in both primary and secondary care sectors.

This programme is no longer active, but due to the ever-changing and increasingly complex healthcare environment, we’re committed to developing more clinical leaders to take on the urgent challenges that we face and drive forward much needed improvements to care delivery. If you're a Healthcare Professional looking to deepen your improvement knowledge and develop the leadership skills needed to drive improvements within and beyond your prostate cancer services, check out our Improvement Programmes.

The impact of your support

In 2016, the programme funding from the Movember Foundation & Royal Mail came to an end, but the impact of the work continues to be seen and felt by men affected by prostate cancer across the UK.

Key findings

The HSCP programme has supported 44 sites in total across the UK, with a total value of £3,500,000

59 health professional posts – 52 Clinical Nurse Specialists, 5 physiotherapists, 1 radiographer & 1 occupational therapist

2/3 of projects involved creating a new clinic or service

38,000 people have been supported through the programme – 94% of these are male

1,439 partners or carers of men with prostate cancer have been supported through the programme


94% of men surveyed reported an improved experience of the support or care they received

97% of men surveyed reported improved mental wellbeing

88% of men surveyed reported improved outcomes in their physical condition - this includes sexual function, continence, physical activity and general wellbeing

Health professionals

25 projects engaged with local stakeholders and healthcare professionals reaching over 700 individuals in total

310 Health Care Professionals have reported they now have improved knowledge and awareness of the needs of men with prostate cancer

10 projects have generated savings or are helping services operate with greater efficiency

What next?

75% of the completed projects have plans in place to sustain the funded posts or activities

Learnings from the Croydon project are being implemented across 11 London Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG’s) with the potential to support 12, 597 men living with prostate cancer in these areas

What we learned - Full Infographic

Our partners

More about the programme

The programme

The Health and Social Care Professionals programme comprised a range of different projects across the UK, funded by the Movember Foundation & Royal Mail and delivered by Prostate Cancer UK.

The projects, though varied, have one thing in common; they’re working to transform care for men with prostate disease and their families in their area.

The projects

Find out first about what we're doing next

The project money from Prostate Cancer UK has allowed us to be brave and follow our instincts in pursuing quality follow up care for men who have been treated for prostate cancer; providing a service closer to home which is supported by direct access to specialist care
Jane Booker, Urology Clinical Nurse Specialist, The Christie Foundation