Online Community

We provide an online community on this website. By using the community you agree to our Online community terms and conditions.

Social media Policy

Our social media channels are a great way to stay up to date with our latest campaigning news, research breakthroughs and exciting events. It’s also one of the most effective ways for us to engage with you, our supporters, and share your incredible stories and fundraising efforts. To help keep these channels a safe and welcoming place for all, we have our social media policy which you can find here.

Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting your privacy while providing a personalised and valuable service. Read our full privacy policy statement.

Code of Conduct

At Prostate Cancer UK, we all work together to create a welcoming and enjoyable environment for everyone. Our Code of Conduct is just a more formal way of setting our expectations to ensure everyone feels respected, included and valued in their role. By everyone following the Code of Conduct, including those who work with us like our suppliers, partners, spokespeople or supporters at events, we can make everyone’s experience a positive one. You can read our full Code of Conduct here.

Safeguarding policy

Safeguarding vulnerable adults and children is a key priority for Prostate Cancer UK, we're all here for the same reason: to give men the power to navigate prostate cancer. Find out more about our safeguarding policy.


We believe that the involvement of people who have lived experience of prostate cancer significantly improves the quality and outcomes of our work. An individual’s first-hand experiences of the disease, as someone who has been diagnosed, or anyone with relevant lived experience is uniquely placed to help.

Read our Involvement Policy


At Prostate Cancer UK, we’re committed to maintaining the highest standards of governance and enabling open and accountable management. Everyone has the right to raise genuine concerns, no matter who they are or what their circumstances are.

Read our whistleblowing policy