24 May 2024

Meet Alfred whose life was saved by an early diagnosis

Our “Find it Earlier” campaign has kicked off, and Men’s Health Week and Father’s Day is fast approaching. It’s about time men stopped dying from a curable disease. We want to encourage more men to understand their risk of prostate cancer and get a lifesaving early diagnosis.  

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men with 1 in 8 men across the UK being diagnosed with the disease. For Black men, their risk is double. But the earlier you find it, the easier it is to treat, and an earlier diagnosis could save your life. 

The lifesaving impact of early diagnosis

For Alfred, a 61-year-old grandad from Birmingham, an early diagnosis 12 years ago was a life saver. When he was first told he had prostate cancer, he was scared about what this meant for him and his future. However, because the cancer was found early, he had a choice of treatments. With the support of his family, he began his cancer journey and since then has been able to live his life to the full, cancer free. 

Looking back now, Alfred’s grateful for his early diagnosis as he would not have the life, he has today had he not spoken to the GP about his risk and got a PSA blood test. Today, he’s healthy, strong and has had the joy of becoming a grandad since his diagnosis. He’s looking forward to spending more time with his family and grandchildren and in the years to come. 

You just appreciate that you’ve got them and one day to see them grow up, get older, get married, these are the things you can miss by not even having a test

Today, Alfred spends the time that he isn’t in the gym or with his family, talking to men across Birmingham and beyond about prostate cancer. He works to reach Black men, as 1 in 4 Black men will get prostate cancer. He knows first-hand how important it can be to spread awareness within communities and families to help more Black men get an earlier diagnosis. So, whether you’re jet-setting with your family on a well-deserved summer holiday, dad-dancing at your daughter’s wedding or enjoying more nail-biting seasons watching your team inch up the league table, make sure you’re there for those special moments. 

Alfred’s story can save thousands of lives

So, for Men’s Health Week and Father’s Day we are taking a leaf out of Alfred’s book. We’re working to talk to men across the country, from Birmingham to Bangor about their prostate cancer risk, and what they can choose to do about it. To get the attention of men across the nation, we’ve got two new TV adverts that tell the stories of two men who see a future full of good things in a world where they get a lifesaving earlier diagnosis of prostate cancer. In one a man is visited by a grandchild from the future who tells him to still be around in the future to have good times together. 

We’d like to think that it rings a few bells with Alfred and makes him smile. Have a look: 

So, it’s about time you checked your risk of prostate cancer online. It only takes 30 seconds and tells you if you’re at higher risk and what you can do about it. Finding prostate cancer earlier gives you more time doing what you want, spending more time with family and friends, and making memories that last a lifetime.  

Already joined the over 2 and a half million men who have taken our Risk Checker? You can help more men and those who love them by sharing the Risk Checker with your family, friends and on your social media. Let’s make it unmissable this summer! 

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And you can help us go one step further this Men’s Health Week

There are other ways that you can raise awareness of prostate cancer risk and early detection:  

  • You can share our campaign with your friends, family and followers by visiting our campaign hub and downloading our toolkit. By sharing this campaign and our toolkit with the people in your life, you can help men receive an earlier diagnosis 
  • You can support our ground breaking research towards a screening programme. An effective, national screening programme for prostate cancer will help save thousands of lives, and that’s why we’ve launched our biggest ever trial – the £42million TRANSFORM study. You can back this game changing research by entering the Omaze Million Pound House Draw, Surrey. 
  • You can still do more! On 26 June, we are hosting a webinar which will cover more about the barriers to prostate cancer diagnosis and how you can have lifesaving conversations about risk with men in your life. You can sign up today and save the men in your life.