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Find it Earlier

The earlier you find prostate cancer, the easier it is to treat.

We’re launching our biggest campaign of the year for Men’s Health Week and Father’s Day - to get thousands more men across the UK a life-changing earlier diagnosis. 

Finding prostate cancer earlier means more long hot summers with your family, more dad-dancing at your daughter’s wedding, and more nail-biting seasons watching your team inch up the league table. Because it’s easier to treat if it’s found early - and that might just save your life.

It’s about time you checked your risk online

The earlier you find it, the easier it is to treat. You can check your risk online now with our award-winning risk checker. Its free, anonymous and it takes just 30 seconds.

Check my risk

7418 MHW 2024 Owned Web Hub Risk checker mobile

Share the risk checker

2.5 million men have already taken the risk checker, and you can help us get thousands more to take this vital step.
Share it today
7418 MHW 2024 Tv Ad

Watch our TV campaign

Our latest adverts have been created to break down common barriers to men checking their risk of prostate cancer and show all the really good things that could happen in a future where they do.
Watch our TV campaign
7418 MHW 2024 Omaze

Supporting groundbreaking research

The Omaze Million Pound House Draw helped fund our new screening trial – TRANSFORM- to find the best way to screen men for prostate cancer, so one day all men at risk are invited for regular tests to find aggressive cancers in time for a cure.
Omaze House
7418 MHW 2024 Health Team Partnership

Join our Webinar

On 26 June, find out more about the barriers preventing early diagnosis and how you can have lifesaving conversations about risk with the men in your life.
Sign up now
7418 MHW 2024 Owned Web Hub Toolkit

Download our Toolkit

Grab our campaign pack with everything you need (videos, posters, social posts and more) to help raise awareness of men’s risk online, at work, down the pub or with your friends and family.
Click to download
024 Owned Web Hub Barriers Paperwork Document

Break down barriers

We asked men about the biggest barriers stopping them checking their risk, with surprising results! Together we can help break these down.
Find out more

Want to know more about your risk?

1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer. You’re at a higher risk of prostate cancer if you’re over 50, have a family history of prostate cancer or are of Black or mixed Black ethnicity. Find out more about your risk and a free blood test you can get from your GP.

Are you at risk?

If you’re Black and want to know more about your risk, you can find dedicated information here or read more about why our campaign highlights that Black men’s risk is double in our News & Views article below.

Read our News & Views

Are you a healthcare professional?

We have a dedicated space for you, with links to tailored information and resources, a podcast on “To DRE or not to DRE...”  and so much more.

Resources for Healthcare Professionals