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What is the bedroom tax?

The bedroom tax restricts the amount of housing benefit that council and housing association tenants can claim.


How the bedroom tax works

If you are a working-age council or housing association tenant, the council limits your housing benefit claim if it decides you have 'spare' bedrooms. 'Spare' bedrooms means bedrooms that are not occupied.

This housing benefit reduction is called the under-occupancy charge but is more commonly known as the bedroom tax.

The number of bedrooms you can claim for is based on the number of people living in your home. You are expected to pay any outstanding rent yourself.

Use Shelter's bedroom tax checker to see if you are affected by the bedroom tax.


How much housing benefit will you lose?

The amount of rent you can claim housing benefit for is reduced by:

14% if you have one 'spare' bedroom

25% if you have two or more 'spare' bedrooms

For example, if you have one 'spare' bedroom and your rent is £100 per week, only £86 counts when your housing benefit is assessed. You have to pay at least £14 yourself.

If you have two or more 'spare' bedrooms and your rent is £100 per week, only £75 counts when your housing benefit is assessed. You have to pay at least £25 yourself.


What can you do if you are affected?

Ask your council about a discretionary housing payment to help with a rent shortfall.

Make sure you are receiving all the benefits you are entitled to. Use the Turn2Us benefits calculator to check.

Could you take in a lodger? You can keep the first £20 of income from a lodger, but more may affect other benefits.

Find out more about renting your spare room.

If you can't afford to stay, you can try to transfer or exchange to a smaller council or housing association home which doesn't have 'spare' rooms.

Use Shelter's directory to find a local advice centre.


Are you exempt?

The bedroom tax won't affect you if you and your partner have reached state pension credit age.

Use the state pension age calculator to check if you are of pension credit age.

Exemptions also apply to people living in:

shared ownership properties
caravans, mobile homes and houseboats
some types of supported accommodation