Other languages
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Arabic - سرطان البروستاتا
About prostate cancer
- Prostate cancer fact sheet - سرطان البروستاتا
General information
If you're diagnosed with cancer - إذا أثبت التشخيص إصابتك بالسرطان
- If you're diagnosed with cancer - a quick guide - إذا أثبت التشخيص إصابتك بالسرطان - دليل سريع
Treatment for cancer - علاج السرطان
- Chemotherapy fact sheet - العلاج الكيميائي
- Radiotherapy fact sheet - العلاج الإشعاعي
- Side effects of cancer treatment fact sheet - الآثار الجانبية لعلاج السرطان
- Surgery fact sheet - الجراحة
Living with cancer - التعايش مع السرطان
- Claiming benefits when you have cancer fact sheet - المطالبة بالإعانات عند الإصابة بالسرطان
- Helping with costs when you have cancer fact sheet - المساعدة في النفقات عند الإصابة بالسرطان
- Tiredness (fatigue) and cancer fact sheet - التعب (الإعياء) والسرطان
- Eating problems and cancer fact sheet - مشاكل التغذية والسرطان
- Healthy eating fact sheet - التغذية الصحية
End of life - نهاية الحياة
Bengali - প্রোস্টেট ক্যান্সার
About prostate cancer
- Find out about your prostate leaflet [download or order here]
- Prostate cancer fact sheet - প্রোস্টেট ক্যান্সার
General information
If you're diagnosed with cancer - যদি আপনার ক্যান্সার নির্ণয় হয়ে থাকে
- If you are diagnosed with cancer - a quick guide fact sheet - যদি আপনার ক্যান্সার নির্ণয় হয়ে থাকে - একটি চটজলদি নির্দেশিকা
Treatment for cancer - ক্যান্সার চিকিৎসা
- Chemotherapy fact sheet - কেমোথেরাপি
- Radiotherapy fact sheet - রেডিওথেরাপি
- Side effects of cancer treatment fact sheet - ক্যান্সার চিকিৎসার পার্শ্ব প্রতিক্রিয়াসমূহ
- Surgery fact sheet - সার্জারি
Living with cancer - ক্যান্সার নিয়ে বেঁচে থাকা
- Claiming benefits when you have cancer fact sheet - আপনার ক�া�ার হেল েবেনিফট�িল দািব করা
- Help with costs when you have cancer fact sheet - আপনার ক�া�ার হেল খরেচ সাহায�
- Tiredness (fatigue) and cancer fact sheet - ক্লান্তি (অবসন্নতা) এবং ক্যান্সার
- Eating problems and cancer fact sheet - খাবার সমস্যা এবং ক্যান্সার
- Healthy eating fact sheet - স্বাস্থ্যকর আহার
End of life - জীবনের অবসান
- End of life fact sheet - জীবনের অবসান
Chinese (traditional) - 前列腺癌
About prostate cancer
- Prostate cancer fact sheet - 前列腺癌
General information
If you're diagnosed with cancer - 若您被診斷患有癌症
- If you are diagnosed with cancer - a quick guide - 若您被診斷患有癌症–快速指南
Treatment for cancer - 癌症的治療
- Chemotherapy fact sheet - 化療
- Radiotherapy fact sheet - 放療
- Side effects of cancer treatment fact sheet - 副作用
- Surgery fact sheet - 手術治療
Living with cancer - 癌症病患生活
- Claiming benefits when you have cancer fact sheet - 如果您患有癌症,可申請的福利
- Help with costs when you have cancer fact sheet - 患癌時獲得費用幫助
- Eating problems and cancer fact sheet - 飲食問題與癌症
- Tiredness (fatigue) and cancer fact sheet - 疲憊(疲勞)與癌症
- Healthy eating fact sheet - 健康飲食
End of life - 生命的終點
- End of life fact sheet - 生命的終點
Dari - دری
About prostate cancer
- Prostate cancer - سرطان پروستات
If you are diagnosed with cancer - اگر دچار سرطان هستید
- If you are diagnosed with cancer - a quick guide - رهنمای سریع - اگر دچار سرطان هستید
Treatment for cancer - تداوی برای سرطان
- Chemotherapy - تداوی کیمیاوی
- Radiotherapy - رادیوتراپی
- Side effects of cancer treatment - عوارض جانبی تداوی سرطان
- Surgery - جراحی
Living with cancer - زندگی با سرطان
- Claiming benefits when you have cancer - درخواست استفاده از مزایای دوره مصاب شدن به سرطان
- Help with costs when you have cancer - کمک به تامین مصارف تداوی سرطان
- Eating problems and cancer - مشکلات تغذیه و سرطان
- Tiredness (fatigue) and cancer - خستگی (ماندگی) و سرطان
- Healthy eating - تغذیه صحی و سرطان
End of life - پایان عمر
- End of life - پایان عمر
Farsi -فارسی
About prostate cancer
- Prostate cancer - سرطان پروستات
If you are diagnosed with cancer - اگر سرطان برای شما تشخیص داده شد
- If you are diagnosed with cancer - a quick guide - اگر سرطان برای شما تشخیص داده شد –یک راهنمای سریع
Treatment for cancer - درمان سرطان
- Chemotherapy - شیمی درمانی
- Radiotherapy - پرتودرمانی
- Side effects of cancer treatment - عوارض جانبی درمان سرطان
- Surgery - عمل جراحی
Living with cancer - زندگی با سرطان
- Claiming benefits when you have cancer - دریافت هزینه ها از بیمه، زمانی که سرطان دارید
- Help with costs when you have cancer - کمک هزینه ها، در صورت ابتلا به سرطان
- Eating problems and cancer - مشکلات خوردن و سرطان
- Tiredness (fatigue) and cancer - خستگی (کوفتگی) و سرطان
- Healthy eating - تغذیه سالم و سرطان
End of life - پایان زندگی
- End of life - پایان زندگی
Gujarati - પ્રોસ્ટેટ કેન્સર
About prostate cancer
- Find out about your prostate leaflet [download or order here]
- Prostate cancer fact sheet - પ્રોસ્ટેટ કેન્સર
General information
If you're diagnosed with cancer - જો તમને કેન્સર હોવાનું નિદાન કરવામાં આવ્યુ હોય
- If you are diagnosed with cancer - a quick guide fact sheet - જો તમને કેન્સર હોવાનું નિદાન કરવામાં આવ્યુ હોય – એક ઝડપી માર્ગદર્શિકા
Treatment for cancer - કેન્સર માટે સારવાર
- Chemotherapy fact sheet - કિમોથેરેપી
- Radiotherapy fact sheet - રેડિયોથેરેપી
- Side effects of cancer treatment fact sheet - કેન્સર સારવારના આડઅસરો
- Surgery fact sheet - સર્જરી
Living with cancer - કેન્સર સાથે જીવવું
- Claiming benefits when you have cancer fact sheet - તમનેક�ન્સર હોય ત્યાર�લાભોનો દાવો કરવો
- Help with costs when you have cancer fact sheet - તમનેકેન્સર હોય ત્યાર ેખચા�ઓમાંમદદ
- Tiredness (fatigue) and cancer fact sheet - થાક લાગવો (થકાવટ) અને કેન્સર
- Eating problems and cancer fact sheet - ખાવાની સમસ્યા અને કેન્સર
- Healthy eating fact sheet - સ્વાસ્થ્યપ્રદ આહાર લેવો
End of life - જીવનનો અંત
- End of life fact sheet - જીવનનો અંત
Pashto -پښتو
About prostate cancer
- Prostate cancer - د پروستات سرطا ن
If you are diagnosed with cancer - کچیرې ستاسو سرطان تشخیص شوي وې – چټکه لارښوونه
- If you are diagnosed with cancer - a quick guide - کچیرې ستاسو سرطان تشخیص شوي وې – چټکه لارښوونه
Treatment for cancer - د سرطان لپاره درملنه
- Chemotherapy - کیموتراپي
- Radiotherapy - رادیوتراپي
- Side effects of cancer treatment - د سرطان د درملنې جانبي عوار ض
- Surgery - جراحي عملیات
Living with cancer - د سرطان سره ژوند کول
- Claiming benefits when you have cancer - د سرطان په وخت کې د ګټو غوښتنه
- Help with costs when you have cancer - د مصارفو مرسته کله چې سرطان لر ئ
- Eating problems and cancer - د خوړلو ستونزې او سرطا ن
- Tiredness (fatigue) and cancer - ستړیا (ستوماني) او سرطان
- Healthy eating - صحي خوراک او سرطان
End of life - د ژوند پای
- End of life - د ژوند پای
Polish - Rak prostaty
About prostate cancer
- Find out about your prostate leaflet [download or order here]
- Prostate cancer fact sheet - Rak prostaty (gruczołu krokowego, stercza)
General information
If you're diagnosed with cancer - Jeśli zdiagnozowano raka
- If you are diagnosed with cancer - a quick guide fact sheet - Jeśli zdiagnozowano raka – krótki poradnik
Treatment for cancer - Leczenie przeciwnowotworowe
- Chemotherapy fact sheet - Chemioterapia
- Radiotherapy fact sheet - Radioterapia
- Side effects of cancer treatment fact sheet - Skutki uboczne leczenia nowotworów
- Surgery fact sheet - Leczenie chirurgiczne
Living with cancer - Życie z nowotworem
- Claiming benefits when you have cancer fact sheet - Ubieganie się o zasiłki przysługujące chorym na
- Help with costs when you have cancer fact sheet - Pomoc finansowa dla chorych na raka
- Tiredness (fatigue) and cancer fact sheet - Zmęczenie (uczucie wyczerpania) a nowotwór
- Eating problems and cancer fact sheet - Problemy żywieniowe a nowotwory
- Healthy eating fact sheet - Zdrowe żywienie
End of life - U schyłku życia
- End of life fact sheet- U schyłku życia
Portuguese - Cancro da próstata
About prostate cancer
- Prostate cancer fact sheet - Cancro da próstata
General information
If you're diagnosed with cancer - Se lhe foi diagnosticado cancro
- If you are diagnosed with cancer - a quick guide - Se lhe foi diagnosticado cancro - Um guia rápido
Treatment for cancer
- Chemotherapy fact sheet - Quimioterapia
- Radiotherapy fact sheet - Radioterapia
- Side effects of cancer treatment fact sheet - Efeitos secundários do tratamento para o cancro
- Surgery fact sheet - Cirurgia
Living with cancer - Viver com cancro
- Claiming benefits when you have cancer fact sheet - Pedir subsídios quando se tem cancro
- Help with costs when you have cancer fact sheet - Ajuda com os custos quando se tem cancro
- Tiredness (fatigue) and cancer fact sheet - Cansaço (fatiga) e cancro
- Eating problems and cancer fact sheet - Problemas alimentares e o cancro
- Healthy eating fact sheet - Alimentação saudável
End of life - Fim de vida
- End of life fact sheet - Fim de vida
Punjabi - ਪ੍ਰੋਸਟੇਟ (ਗਦੂਦ) ਕੈਂਸਰ
About prostate cancer
- Find out about your prostate leaflet [download or order here]
- Prostate cancer fact sheet - ਪ੍ਰੋਸਟੇਟ ਕੈਂਸਰ
General information
If you're diagnosed with cancer - ਜੇ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਰੋਗ-ਪਛਾਣ ਕੈਂਸਰ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਕੀਤੀ ਗਈ ਹੈ – ਇੱਕ ਤਤਕਾਲ ਗਾਈਡ
- If you are diagnosed with cancer - a quick guide fact sheet - ਜੇ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਰੋਗ-ਪਛਾਣ ਕੈਂਸਰ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਕੀਤੀ ਗਈ ਹੈ – ਇੱਕ ਤਤਕਾਲ ਗਾਈਡ
Treatment for cancer - ਕੈਂਸਰ ਦਾ ਇਲਾਜ
- Chemotherapy fact sheet - ਕੀਮੋਥੈਰੇਪੀ
- Radiotherapy fact sheet - ਰੇਡੀਓਥੈਰੇਪੀ
- Side effects of cancer treatment fact sheet - ਮਾੜੇ ਪ੍ਰਭਾਵ
- Surgery fact sheet - ਸਰਜਰੀ
Living with cancer - ਕੈਂਸਰ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਜੀਵਨ ਜਿਉਣਾ
- Claiming benefits when you have cancer fact sheet - ਤੁਹਾਨ ੰ ਕੈਂਸਰ ਹੋਣ ਤੇਲਾਭਾਾਂਲਈ ਮੰਗ ਕਰਨਾ
- Help with costs when you have cancer fact sheet - ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਕ�ਸਰ ਹੋਣ ’ਤੇਲਗਾਤਾਂਿਵੱਚ ਸਹਾਇਤਾ
- Eating problems and cancer fact sheet - ਖਾਣ-ਪੀਣ ਸਬੰਧੀ ਸਮੱਸਿਆਵਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਕੈਂਸਰ
- Tiredness (fatigue) and cancer fact sheet - ਥਕਾਵਟ (ਥਕੇਵਾਂ) ਅਤੇ ਕੈਂਸਰ
- Healthy eating fact sheet - ਸਿਹਤਮੰਦ ਭੋਜਨ
End of life - ਜੀਵਨ ਦਾ ਅੰਤ
- End of life fact sheet - ਜੀਵਨ ਦਾ ਅੰਤ
Romanian - Cancerul de prostată
About prostate cancer
- Prostate cancer fact sheet - Cancerul de prostată
General information
- If you are diagnosed with cancer - a quick guide - Dacă sunteți diagnosticat(ă) cu cancer – ghid de iniţiere rapidă
Treatment for cancer - Tratamentul cancerului
- Chemotherapy fact sheet - Chimioterapia
- Radiotherapy fact sheet - Radioterapia
- Side effects of cancer treatment fact sheet - Efectele secundare ale tratamentului împotriva cancerului
- Surgery fact sheet - Intervenţia chirurgicală
Living with cancer - Viața cu cancer
- Claiming benefits when you have cancer fact sheet - Solicitarea ajutoarelor dacă aveți cancer
- Help with costs when you have cancer fact sheet - Ajutor cu cheltuielile atunci când aveți cancer
- Tiredness (fatigue) and cancer fact sheet - Oboseala (epuizarea) și cancerul
- Eating problems and cancer fact sheet - Problemele de alimentație și cancerul
- Healthy eating fact sheet - Alimentația sănătoasă și canceru
End of life
- End of life fact sheet - Sfârșitul vieți
Russian - Рак предстательной железы
About prostate cancer
- Prostate cancer fact sheet - Рак предстательной железы
General information
If you're diagnosed with cancer - Если вам диагностировали рак
- If you are diagnosed with cancer - a quick guide - Если вам диагностировали рак: краткое руководство
Treatment for cancer - Лечение рака
- Chemotherapy fact sheet - Химиотерапия
- Radiotherapy fact sheet - Лучевая терапия
- Side effects of cancer treatment fact sheet - Побочные эффекты
- Surgery fact sheet - Хирургия
Living with cancer - Жизнь с раком
- Claiming benefits when you have cancer fact sheet - Заявление на получение пособия, если у вас
диагностирован рак - Help with costs when you have cancer fact sheet - Помощь в оплате расходов, если у вас
диагностирован рак - Tiredness (fatigue) and cancer fact sheet - Усталость (хроническая усталость) и рак
- Eating problems and cancer fact sheet - Проблемы с приемом пищи и рак
- Healthy eating fact sheet - Здоровое питани
End of life - Конец жизни
- End of life fact sheet - Конец жизни
Turkish - Türkçe
About prostate cancer
- Prostate cancer - fact sheet - Prostat kanseri
If you are diagnosed with cancer - Kanser tanısı aldıysanız
- If you are diagnosed with cancer - a quick guide - Kanser tanısı aldıysanız – Hızlı bir kılavuz
Treatment for cancer - Kanser tedavisi
- Chemotherapy - Kemoterapi
- Radiotherapy - Radyoterapi
- Side effects of cancer treatment - Kanser tedavisinin yan etkileri
- Surgery - Ameliyat
Living with cancer - Kanserle yaşamak
- Claiming benefits when you have cancer - Kanser hastası olarak sosyal yardım talebinde bulunmak
- Help with costs when you have cancer - Kanser olduğunuzda maliyetlere yönelik yardım
- Eating problems and cancer - Beslenme sorunları ve kanser
- Tiredness (fatigue) and cancer - Yorgunluk (bitkinlik) ve kanser
- Healthy eating - Sağlıklı beslenme ve kanser
End of life - Yaşamın sonu
- End of life - Yaşamın sonu
Ukrainian - Український
About prostate cancer
- Prostate cancer - Рак простати
If you are diagnosed with cancer - Якщо у вас діагностували рак
- If you are diagnosed with cancer - a quick guide - Якщо у вас діагностували рак. Стислий посібник
Treatment for cancer - Лікування раку
- Chemotherapy - Хіміотерапія
- Radiotherapy - Радіотерапія
- Side effects of cancer treatment - Побічні ефекти лікування раку
- Surgery - Хірургічна операція
Living with cancer - Жити з раком
- Claiming benefits when you have cancer - Отримання пільг у разі захворювання на рак
- Help with costs when you have cancer - Допомога з витратами в разі захворювання на рак
- Eating problems and cancer - Проблеми харчування та рак
- Tiredness (fatigue) and cancer - Слабкість (втома) та рак
- Healthy eating - Правильне харчування та рак
End of life - Наприкінці життя
- End of life - Наприкінці життя
Urdu - پراسٹیٹ کینسر
About prostate cancer
- Find out about your prostate leaflet [download or order here]
- Prostate cancer fact sheet - پپراسٹیٹ کینسر
General information
If you're diagnosed with cancer - اگر آپ میں کینسر کی تشخیص ہو جائے
- If you are diagnosed with cancer - a quick guide - اگر آپ میں کینسر کی تشخیص ہو جائے – فوری رہنماء کتابچہ
Treatment for cancer - کینسر کا علاج
- Chemotherapy fact sheet - کیمو تھراپی
- Radiotherapy fact sheet - ریڈیو تھراپی
- Side effects of cancer treatment fact sheet - کینسر کے علاج کے ضمنی اثرات
- Surgery fact sheet - سرجری
Living with cancer - کینسر کے ساتھ زندگی گزارنا
- Claiming benefits when you have cancer fact sheet - ٰاگر آپ کو کینسر ہے تو فوائد حاصل کرنے کے لیے دعوی کرنا
- Help with costs when you have cancer fact sheet - اگر آپ کو کینسر ہے تو آپ کے لئے اخراجات میں مدد
- Tiredness (fatigue) and cancer fact sheet - تھکاوٹ (تھکن) اور کینسر
- Eating problems and cancer fact sheet - کھانے پینے کے مسائل اور کینسر
- Healthy eating fact sheet - صحت بخش غذاء
End of life - زندگی کا اختتام
- End of life fact sheet - زندگی کا اختتام
Welsh - Canser y prostad
About prostate cancer
- Prostate cancer - fact sheet fact sheet - Canser y brostad – taflen ffeithiau
General information
If you're diagnosed with cancer - Os cewch ddiagnosis o ganser
- If you are diagnosed with cancer - a quick guide fact sheet - Os cewch ddiagnosis o ganser – Canllaw cyflym
Treatment for cancer - Triniaeth am ganser
- Chemotherapy fact sheet - Cemotherapi
- Radiotherapy fact sheet - Radiotherapi
- Side effects of cancer treatment fact sheet - Sgîl-effeithiau triniaeth canser
- Surgery fact sheet - Llawfeddygaeth
Living with cancer - Byw gyda chanser
- Claiming benefits when you have cancer fact sheet - Hawlio budd-daliadau pan mae gennych chi ganser
- Help with costs when you have cancer fact sheet - Help gyda chostau pan fydd gennych chi ganser
- Eating problems and cancer fact sheet - Problemau bwyta a chanser
- Tiredness (fatigue) and cancer fact sheet - Blinder a chanser
- Healthy eating fact sheet - Bwyta’n iach
End of life - Diwedd oes
- End of life fact sheet - Diwedd oes
Updated: October 2022 | To be reviewed: October 2024