
Thank you for completing our online risk checker. If you’ve decided to speak to your GP about your risk of getting prostate cancer, the information on this page may be helpful.

Information to help you talk to your GP

Before you speak to your GP, you might find it helpful to fill out this information sheet. It has space to write down any risk factors or symptoms you have and lists questions you might want to ask your doctor.

You could have the sheet in front of you when you talk to your GP, to help guide your conversation.

How do I find out more?

There’s lots of information available on our website, including more information about:

You can also speak to our Specialist Nurses on 0800 448 0716, or by email, Live Chat, social media or SMS. They can talk to you, a partner or anyone else at risk of prostate cancer about the risk factors and the tests used to help diagnose prostate cancer.

Busting common myths about prostate cancer

The truth is that the most common cancer in men starts in a place that half know next to nothing about. It is time to change that.

We know men’s health can be a minefield, and that a lack of information, or commonly held beliefs in myths and misinformation, can stop men making the best choices about their health - especially when it comes to prostate cancer.

To help men navigate this information and make better choices, we have created a myth busting information hub. It includes a Q&A with one of our Specialist Nurses about what the most common myths are, and the truth to help men separate the fact from fiction.

Visit our hub now to find out more

Can I reduce my risk?

You’ve reached this page because you have one or more risk factors for prostate cancer. You can’t change these things and no-one knows how to prevent prostate cancer. But staying a healthy weight – for example by having a healthy diet and taking regular exercise – may be important.

Find out more

Share our online risk checker now

We need your help to make sure people you know are aware of their prostate cancer risk.

Please share our quick and easy risk checker now and help us raise awareness of prostate cancer.


