Prostate tests
Read about the tests and checks used to see if you have prostate cancer or another prostate problem. They include the PSA blood test, digital rectal examination (DRE), prostate biopsy and scans. We also explain what your results might mean.

The PSA blood test
Learn how the prostate specific antigen (PSA) test can help to diagnose prostate problems, the pros and cons of the test, what the results mean, and what might happen afterwards.
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Digital rectal examination (DRE)
Your doctor or nurse feels the prostate through the wall of the back passage to check for signs of cancer and to see if it is enlarged.
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MRI scan
Learn how MRI scans can help to diagnose prostate cancer, the advantages and disadvantages of the scan, and what the results mean.
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Prostate biopsy
This involves taking small pieces of prostate tissue to be looked at under a microscope to check for cancer cells.
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Scans to see if your cancer has spread
MRI, CT, bone and PET scans can show whether the cancer has spread outside the prostate and where it has spread to. You might hear this called your TNM stage.
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Prostate cancer diagnosis in trans women
If you are worried about your risk of prostate cancer, it’s important to talk to your doctor. The tests you have will depend on your history and any treatment you’re taking.
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