Terms and Conditions

The purpose of the online community is to provide a safe place for people to share information and support each other through personal experiences of prostate cancer and prostate problems. The online community is not a substitute for professional advice, and you should consult your doctor or other relevant professional before making any decisions that could affect you or others.

You agree that you will not use the online community for gathering information for surveys, research studies, finding a source to interview for a news story, or similar efforts, unless prior permission has been given by Prostate Cancer UK. Advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes and solicitations are inappropriate and are not permitted. Please seek permission by emailing [email protected] before using the forum for anything other than its intended purpose.

To post messages on the Prostate Cancer UK online community, you must be aged 16 years or over and registered as a member. If you are under the age of 16, please visit the RipRap online community for information and support.

Please choose with care what personal information you choose to share online, including your choice of username and profile information. Neither the administrators nor the moderators participating are responsible for the privacy practices of any user. We recommend that you do not use your real name or email address as your username in order to protect your privacy. Please remember that all information disclosed in these areas will be publicly available, and that the content of messages may be indexed by search engines such as Google and can appear in search results.

Any message posted on the online community expresses only the views of the author of the message and does not necessarily reflect the views, policy or advice of Prostate Cancer UK. Our moderators cannot review every post in real time, and depend on community members to report posts that are harmful or against the rules. We reserve the right to delete any message for any reasons at our discretion, and to take steps that we think will benefit the whole community and its users – including suspending a user’s account without notice or even banning them from using the online community. Decisions of our moderation team are final – please do not make posts complaining about moderators or moderation actions.

Posts may contain links to other web sites and files. We have no control over the content of external sites and cannot ensure that links do not lead to offensive material. We will, however, remove links that we feel are inappropriate as we become aware of them.

If you find another user’s message offensive or in violation of these Terms or of our House rules, please report the post to our moderation team using the ‘report’ button. We cannot respond instantly but will make every effort to take action within a reasonable period of time.

Our online community allows members to send private messages to each other, and we do not review the content of these. Please remember that anyone can register an account, and use caution when responding to a private message – especially if you are asked to reveal any personal information.

You agree that you will not post any material that names individual healthcare professionals, and you will not name individual hospitals and medical practices when making negative comments . Please use descriptive terms like “my doctor”, “my specialist”, and “my nurse” rather than specific names.

You agree that you will not post any copyrighted material that you do not own. Prostate Cancer UK shall not be held responsible for member posts that may violate copyright law.

You agree that your use of the online community is at your own risk, and that Prostate Cancer UK cannot be held responsible for the contents of any material posted on the community or in private messages.

You agree that you will not use the online community to post any material, or links to any material, that could be considered unlawful, defamatory, harassing, explicit, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, pornographic, racially offensive or otherwise in violation of any law.

You authorise Prostate Cancer UK to remove or modify any information you submit to the online community.

To participate in the online community, cookies must be turned on in your browser. Cookies are used to hold your username, password, and viewing options, allowing you to login.

Alternative and complementary therapies: We’re dedicated to providing high-quality, accurate information about prostate cancer, and we have a duty to try to avoid community members posting information that may be harmful to those who trust it. Users may discuss anecdotal personal experiences of alternative and complementary therapies, advocate complementary therapies in conjunction with conventional treatment, and make substantiated claims about the effectiveness of complementary therapies in improving quality of life. Users may not: advocate using any alternative therapy instead of the usual medical treatment; advise anyone to ignore medical experts’ advice; claim that any alternative or complementary therapy can cure cancer, reduce the size of tumours or otherwise treat cancer; or advertise any alternative or complementary therapy for commercial gain.

These terms and conditions are subject to change by Prostate Cancer UK at any time, and the charity will make online community users aware of any significant changes. If you agree with the terms, conditions and policies in this agreement, press the "Agree" button below, otherwise press "Cancel".