What can I talk about?

Our Specialist Nurses are here to answer questions on anything which might be worrying you about prostate cancer or a prostate problem. 

Common subjects we speak to people about include:

  • Your risk of prostate cancer
  • Signs and symptoms
  • The PSA test
  • What to ask at a doctor’s appointment
  • Treatment options
  • Side effects
  • Where to get more information
  • Emotional support
  • Diet and exercise
  • Background behind stories you’ve seen in the news

Check out our common concerns section to see what common questions come up in calls, emails and Live chat and how we can support you.

Reasons to talk to us

Specialist knowledge

Our Specialist Nurses have worked in a hospital setting and have specialist knowledge in prostate disease. The information and support they provide is unbiased and based on up-to-date evidence.


If you don’t want to say who you are or feel too embarrassed to talk about something then don’t worry. Speaking to us over the phone, email or live chat may be easier for you than speaking to someone face to face. Sometimes it helps to talk or say it loud so get in touch and see how we can help.

There’s no such thing as a silly question

Whatever your question, whatever your concern, please just ask us.

We can help you understand what might happen next

Whether it’s helping you get questions together for your next GP or hospital appointment, or being able to make sense of your situation and decisions you have to make, we can help you. We can also direct you to any further information or organisation which could make a difference in how you feel.