Frequently asked Questions about Payment for Involvement

Frequently asked Questions about our Payment Policy for People with Lived Experience taking part in an Involvement activity.

Enquiries about our policy please contact [email protected]

Who is this payment policy for?

Our payment policy applies to with People with Lived Experience (PWLE) of prostate cancer who take part in Involvement activities with Prostate Cancer UK.

The term People with Lived Experience (often abbreviated to PWLE) describes those with first-hand experience of the disease - individuals who have been diagnosed, their families’ friends and loved ones.

We believe they are uniquely placed to help shape and deliver our work, adding value at all stages of the process.

Why do we offer a payment for Involvement?

When we collaborate with people with lived experience, we often ask them to expend time, energy, and emotion to shape our activity and direction.

We know that some individuals and groups experience fewer opportunities to be listened to and influence the work and direction of Prostate Cancer UK. We want to attract a wider, more diverse pool of people and avoid excluding those who could make a difference.

Offering payment –
 - Is one way to recognise the value people with lived experience bring to our work.
 - Reduces barriers to involvement and can help attract a wider group of people.
 - Equalises the balance of power between staff (who are paid) and people with lived experience who may not be rewarded for their time and contribution.

What type of activities would offer a payment as a gesture of thanks?

We offer payment for activities where your lived experience and expertise help shape Prostate Cancer UK’s work.

Involvement is a separate activity from volunteering, engagement and raising awareness, which are outside the scope of this policy.

Our definition of Involvement is below –
“Involvement is when a person brings lived experience of prostate cancer to bear on strategic discussions or decisions, coproduction, or service development or improvement – usually in a synchronous, collaborative setting.”

This activity usually happens in a time-limited, project focused, and collaborative way. Examples include when a person shares their lived experience to

  • co-design a new product, project, or campaign.
  • evaluate and improve the support services we provide.
  • shape our strategies and plans.
  • influence what research we fund.
  • assess applications for our Fellowship and Grant awards.
  • speak on their own behalf and on behalf of other patients, or members of their community.

We use the term “Public Contributor” to describe anyone taking part in activity within the scope of this policy. This is our term and we do not wish to label anyone.

Activities not covered by this policy

Activities not in the scope of this policy include when a person shares their lived experience to raise awareness of prostate cancer risk or the impact of disease on an individual.

It also excludes activities where a person with lived experience takes part in media work or agrees to be a case study or patient story.

Any work with health professionals or Prostate Cancer UK staff is not covered by our payment policy.

How much and how will I be paid?

Payment will depend on how much time the activity, meeting, or event you are involved in takes. The rates are:

  • 0 - 2 hours - £20 
  • Between 2-4 Hours (classed as up to half a day) - £50
  • Over 4 Hours (classed as a full day) - £75.

These rates are a guide, and the amount offered will depend on the type of work we are asking someone to do.

We offer payment as a gesture of thanks in the form of Marks and Spencer’s e-gift cards. These can be used online at or in-store via your smartphone (if you have one). We do not require your bank details just a valid email address.

The e-gift cards will be emailed to you from [email protected]. Please keep an eye out for this sender and check your email junk folder if you are expecting an email and have not received it yet.

How long will it take to receive my Marks and Spencer’s e-gift cards?

Please allow one month from the involvement activity you took part in for your Marks and Spencer’s e-gift card to arrive by email. Please also check your email junk folder.

How might accepting the offer of a payment affect me?

Accepting the offer of a gesture of thanks in the form of a payment may impact a person’s tax and benefits situation (if they receive benefits). Any payment, whether in the form of cash, gifts or vouchers is considered income by HMRC and subject to tax and National Insurance.

You are responsible for calculating whether accepting a payment means you need to pay any tax or National Insurance. If you are receiving state benefits you should check if accepting a payment could impact them, and if a payment counts towards your annual taxable income.

This is a complex topic and Prostate Cancer UK is not able to offer individual advice on tax or benefit issues. Citizens Advice is licensed to provide individual advice on your circumstances and other helpful contacts are below –

Citizens Advice 
for England call 03444 111 444
for Wales call 03444 77 20 20
TextRelay users call 03444 111 445

His Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC)
Income Tax helpline: 0300 200 3300.
National Insurance helpline: 0300 200 3500.
Online services helpdesk: 0300 200 3600

Income Tax: introduction
Tax-free and taxable state benefits

Tax Aid helps with tax problems if HMRC can't sort it out.
Tax advice helpline: 0345 120 3779

Turn2Us provides practical help to people who are struggling financially

Gingerbread provides advice & support for single parents, including tax & benefits:
Helpline 0808 802 0925

Disability Rights UK
(contact 0330 995 0400 for paper copies of their factsheets & publications)

What if I can’t accept payment or prefer not to?

It is up to you whether you accept a payment as a gesture of thanks for taking part in involvement activities. You may wish to accept payment for one activity and not another, or no payment at all. There is no obligation to accept a payment, and you will not enter any contractual or employment relationship with Prostate Cancer UK should you accept a payment.

What about expenses that arise from my taking part in involvement activities?

Any out of pocket expenses relating to attending an involvement event or activity, such as travel and accommodation, will be covered by Prostate Cancer UK. This is separate from any offer of payment as a gesture of thanks, whether you accept such a payment or not.

A token payment for an activity undertaken or expertise shared, where fees or payment wouldn’t be legally or traditionally required. It’s “ex-gratia”, meaning the giver doesn’t recognise themselves as having any liability or legal obligation – no employment relationship exists. These payments are subject to income tax, National Insurance, and pension deductions, and would affect income-related benefits – even if paid as vouchers or gifts rather than a monetary payment.

A reward – usually financial (such as a monetary payment or vouchers) – given to boost numbers of survey responses, or involvement from groups. It may be paid to everyone, in which case the payment will affect tax and benefits and needs to be declared, or offered as a prize draw which may not affect tax or benefits, but this needs to be confirmed on a case-by-case basis.

A one-off, non-financial reward or gift – such as flowers, vouchers, a thank you letter or message or partner products – given in recognition of an individual’s contribution to the charity’s work.

Reimbursement of reasonable expenses shouldn’t be seen as payment or reward and are separate to payment for involvement.

For any enquiries or questions about our policy please contact
[email protected]