Your details
Unfortunately we get a lot of spam entries on this form, so we need to ask you to prove you are a real person. If you have problems completing this field, please call us on 0800 082 1616.
Your volunteering

More about you
Unfortunatey, we're unable to accept volunteers under the age of 18 for most roles.
Next of kin
The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines disability as a ‘physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on the ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’. Do you consider yourself to be disabled?
Volunteer agreement and declaration
I am applying for a voluntary position with Prostate Cancer UK. I understand that my application might be subject to satisfactory references and/or a criminal record check (or the Protection of Vulnerable Adults scheme) depending on the role I apply for. I agree that Prostate Cancer UK may store and use the information I have provided about me for volunteering reasons in accordance with Data Protection Legislation and the guidelines set by the Equal Opportunity Policy and the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act. If accepted, I understand that this declaration is not an employment contract and that the terms are binding in honour only. I will comply with the volunteering policies listed at and the charity’s values, and I’ll also keep all sensitive, medical or personal information I access to confidential. I confirm that the information given on this form is correct and complete and, if later discovered to be incorrect, may result in the termination of any arrangements made.
Stay in touch
We'd love to tell you about breakthroughs in diagnosing, treating and preventing prostate cancer, and how you can get involved. Choose how you'd like to be contacted:
We may also contact you via post and through targeted digital advertising on social media platforms. You can change this at any time. You are in control of how we contact you, so if you would like to change how often we do or what we tell you about, just call our Supporter Care team on 0800 082 1616 or email [email protected]. We will use the information you provide to ensure we send communications that are of most interest to you. We will look after your details and we won’t share your data with anyone else. Read our Privacy Policy for more information at