Thank you for fundraising for Prostate Cancer UK. To make sure your fundraising is safe, legal and considerate here are some key do’s and dont's to follow:

✔️Do fundraise in a legal, open, honest and respectful way and remember to be polite to people at all times.
✔️Do provide some context to your fundraising such as why you are raising money or raising awareness and what you will be doing. Telling people about your story provides meaning to your fundraising and should encourage people to support your cause and understand your motivations.
✔️Do ask for permission from the owner if you wish to fundraise on private property.
✔️Do make sure you are as transparent as possible about where the money people are donating is going. For example, if you are donating the profits of the money raised after taking away costs or expenses you will need to be clear to your donors about this.
✔️Do send us the money you’ve raised in a safe way by following our paying money in guidelines.
✔️Do make the most of your fundraising activity, it’s important that you take a moment to enjoy yourself and connect with those around you. You’re making memories whilst also making a difference.

❌Don’t criticise or insult other people or organisations.
❌Don’t fundraise in a way which is an unreasonable intrusion on a person’s privacy, is unreasonably persistent or places pressure on a person to donate.
❌Don't collect money from under 18s.
❌Don’t mislead anyone by leaving out information or by being inaccurate or ambiguous or by exaggerating details.
❌Don’t take a donation if you know, or have good reason to believe, that a person lacks capacity to make a decision to donate, or is in vulnerable circumstances which mean they may not be able to make an informed decision.