We’re here to help you smash your fundraising goals, to raise vital funds to help beat prostate cancer.

Here are our top tips to help you hit your target and go the extra mile:

Set up a fundraising page

No cash, no problem! Setting up an online fundraising page is a safe and easy way for people to support your fundraiser. Your page can also be shared all over the world - so even those who can’t make your event can donate. Check out our guide on how to make the most out of your fundraising page.

Get the message out

You’re doing something incredible, but does everyone know?

  • Share your fundraising page on social media so all your mates know that you’re raising money to help save men’s lives.
  • You can download our posters to share on social media or to put up in your local community to spread the word and keep your friends or family updated on your fundraising.
  • Local papers are always looking for a great story, so tell them what you’re up to. You can contact us for a template press release to send to your local paper.

Remember to tell everyone why you’ve chosen to support Prostate Cancer UK, why you’re raising money, and what their support means to you. The more people you tell, the more people can donate to support your cause.

Gift Aid it!

For every £1 donation made with Gift Aid, we receive an extra 25p - and it won’t cost your donors a penny!

Collecting donations in person? Download our Sponsorship Form and encourage your donors to provide their full name and home address (including postcode), date given and tick the Gift Aid box. When the form is complete, please return it to the address below, as this will allow us to claim Gift Aid on any ticked donations.

Prostate Cancer UK, Counting House,
53 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QN

If you’re fundraising online, encourage people to tick the Gift Aid box and - remind them that it’s free to do so!

If you’re making a personal donation to your fundraiser and you’re a UK taxpayer, you are eligible for Gift Aid. Complete our Gift Aid online form or print off a Gift Aid form and send it to us in the post to the address clearly stated at the top of the form. This will make any of your gifts worth 25% more.

Please note that donors must be UK tax payers and you cannot Gift Aid any donations made by, or on behalf of a group, company or someone else.

Ask the boss!

Does your workplace have an HR department? Ask them if they have a matched giving scheme or would like to make a donation. This could even double your sponsorship. Contact us if you need help in completing any matched-funding forms from your employer.

You could ask to organise fundraising events in the office (or virtually), such as cake sales or quizzes.

Add your donation page link to your email signature, or see if you can publicise your story on your intranet or office noticeboard to inspire your colleagues to support you.

Contact local businesses

Try asking local businesses to sponsor you in exchange for displaying their logo on your event t-shirt, or in your event programme.

Ask local businesses to donate prizes, which you can then raffle or auction off to raise even more lifesaving funds.

Get in touch so we can send you a letter of authority which you can show to local businesses to encourage them to support you.