Set up payroll giving

Welcome to Payroll Giving! This is a great way to make a regular donation to Prostate Cancer UK to help beat prostate cancer.

By donating a fixed amount from your salary each month, you'll be helping to invest in research that will stop men dying from prostate cancer. Together we can make a change and stop prostate cancer damaging bodies and lives.

All you need to do is fill out this form, select how much you want to donate, and we take it from there. 

Complete this simple form to set up payroll giving

It's a big saver

It's a big saver

With the donation being made before tax and National Insurance take a slice, every £1 donated will only cost you 80p - or just 60p if you’re on a higher rate. See below for an example breakdown of how your donation amount differs depending on how much tax you pay.


Cost for standard rate taxpayer (20%)

Cost for higher rate taxpayer (40%)

Cost for highest rate taxpayer (50%)

£5 per month




£10 per month




£15 per month





How can your donation help?

£5 - Could pay for 25 pipette tips, which help scientists work with extreme accuracy when performing experiments.

£10 - Could pay for ten microscope slides, which are used by scientists to look at the effects of new treatments on tiny sections of prostate for signs of successful treatment. 

£15 - Could pay to collect one blood sample, which researchers use to monitor men’s prostate cancer and find clues about how the disease works.

More info needed?

Find out more here  - 

Changing jobs? As long as your employer is registered with a Payroll Giving Agency (PGA), you can continue to give by setting up your gift again with your new employer.

Retiring? You can set up a direct debit to replace the gift. Find out more on how to do that here

Any questions?

Give us a call on 0800 082 1616 to find out how payroll giving can help save more men’s lives

Any questions?

Give us a call on 0800 082 1616 to find out how payroll giving can keep more friendships alive.