Remember your loved one with an online tribute fund in their memory. Join with family and friends to celebrate their life through photos, memories and donations. 

The special gifts made in memory of your loved one will help protect future generations of men and support men and their families when they need it most. 

Create a tribute fund in memory of your loved one

“Using the tribute fund to raise money in Walter’s memory is a way of not only celebrating the life we shared, but also raising awareness and funding research that will help people like our grandsons, the men of the future.

The work Prostate Cancer UK do is absolutely vital, and I love having a tribute fund in Walter’s name as a way of supporting it.” 

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It’s a page for anyone who loved Walter, to share memories, pictures, and stories, and donate to Prostate Cancer UK in his name.”- Jean Holloway, Tribute Fund Guardian for her husband, Walter Holloway 

It's easy to set up a Tribute Fund and invite family and friends to give in your loved one’s memory. Follow these three simple steps, and your tribute can be ready to share: 

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1. Tell us the name of your loved one using the form below. 

2. Create your page using MuchLoved. Then add photos and memories of your loved one 

3. Share your Tribute Fund with your family and friends 

Create your loved one's tribute fund


“I couldn’t believe the support I got!  I’ve raised quite a lot for the fund now, and people always ask me if I’m proud of my efforts. But I don’t think of it that way. It’s just something I enjoy doing, and a way of remembering Walter.” 
Jean Holloway Tribute Fund Guardian

Three ways you can use your tribute fund to remember your loved one:

  1. Share a thought or memory.
  2. Light a virtual candle when you’re thinking of them, or give a virtual gift on a special occasion.
  3. Make a donation to give your loved one a legacy that helps other men.   
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Search for a tribute fund

Search for an existing tribute fund supporting Prostate Cancer UK. 


The In Memory team are here to help you in remembering your loved one. If you need help setting up or finding a Tribute Fund, get in touch with us at [email protected]