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Help fund research to leave no diagnosis to chance.

1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer, but all too often they find out by complete chance, too late. Your gift today could help fund the research that will improve the odds of catching prostate cancer earlier and stop men dying too soon. Because men’s lives shouldn’t be left to chance.

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Donate to our appeal

Our 'Chance' appeal is based on real stories and will help us reach more men at risk and raise vital funds. We want to improve earlier diagnosis and stop men dying too soon.

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A donation can go a long way

Prostate cancer doesn’t wait, and neither can we. By donating today, you help keep moving us closer to a world where prostate cancer is caught and treated in its earliest, most manageable stages.
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Make it a regular gift

Set up a regular donation to ensure we can plan further ahead, to commit funding to research and support men with prostate cancer.
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Will you help fund research to leave no diagnosis to chance?

Over the last two decades we’ve funded and accelerated some of the biggest breakthroughs in prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment. There is still much work to do. If you can, please give a gift today and help fund research that will improve earlier diagnosis to stop men dying too soon. 

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