Help fund vital research, to save more men like Paul.
1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer. All too often men like Paul find they have prostate cancer by complete chance, too late. Your gift today could help fund the research that will improve the odds of catching prostate cancer earlier and stop men dying too soon.
Paul's story
In 2021, Paul Dennington went to his GP for some pain he thought was related to his long history of sports injuries. When antibiotics didn’t work, he was referred for a PSA blood test.
Following a biopsy, MRI scan, and some further tests, Paul was given the devastating news that no man wants to hear – he was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer that had spread to his lymph nodes, and was incurable.
Paul says: "My prostate cancer was caught by chance. If I’d been invited for screening, then potentially my cancer would have been caught earlier and I would be facing a very different prognosis."
Donate now and help fund research into early diagnosis, to save more men like Paul. Because men’s lives shouldn’t be left to chance.

By sharing his story, Paul is determined to make a difference for his son, and the men after him, so they won’t have to face the same future.
“A screening programme could have given me a chance to be treated. There wouldn’t be a shadow hanging over me and my family – they would’ve seen hope.” – Paul Dennington

We can't wait

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We're making progress
Research is key to men getting the early diagnosis they deserve. Your gift today will help enable research projects like TRANSFORM, the most comprehensive prostate cancer screening trial ever undertaken, to become a reality. Early diagnosis could save prevent up to 40% of prostate cancer deaths – that's thousands of lives each year.