How it started

Keyline is one of our longest standing partners, and we're approaching our ten-year anniversary together. We are proud and humbled by Keyline’s ongoing commitment to beating prostate cancer. They have raised over £1.8 million (and counting!)

How it started

Keyline started off fundraising for us by doing an annual car rally across Europe, which raises over £100,000 a year. These wacky races have a different theme each year: we’ve had superheroes, millionaires and even musical inspired rallies. In 2019, Keyline's 5-day cartoon themed rally will head up through France, Switzerland and Italy and loop back round and finish in Paris. Keyline's dedicated suppliers also take part, and even sponsor the race, so it is a real team effort. It is a truly unique and exceptional event that really helps the partnership stand out.

But the fun doesn’t just stop there – Keyline staff get involved in golf days, football matches, marathons, Tough Mudder, Movember and cycle rides, literally taking their fundraising to the extra mile.

One of the most special aspects about our partnership is just how firmly embedded it is within our respective organisations. Our Man of Men features on their office and branch walls, and they have even branded their trucks with the Prostate Cancer UK logo. We have a special mural dedicated to Keyline at our head office, emphasising just how distinguished our partnership is.

In 2018, Keyline extended our partnership for another five years and we are thrilled by their ongoing commitment and dedication to our cause. They have been with us through every step of the way, and we are proud to have them continue to be by our side with each and every breakthrough we make in prostate cancer research.  

For more information about the Keyline partnership, contact us at [email protected].

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