1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in the UK. So we’re asking golf clubs to dedicate their 8th hole to us to help raise funds and drive awareness of the disease.

With your support we can help hit prostate cancer out of bounds.

What can we do?

  • Display signage at the 8th hole showing that you support Prostate Cancer UK
  • Use the 8th hole as a fundraising opportunity to engage club members – for example, collect donations for any ball that goes into the bunker on the 8th hole.
  • Ask a local company to sponsor the 8th hole and donate the proceeds to Prostate Cancer UK.

Email [email protected] to find out more about the 8th hole. Our golf team will give you a call to discuss your plans and we'll also send out an 8th hole pack with lots of resources for your club when you sign up.

Collect £1 for every ball that goes into the bunker

Clubs like Kilworth Springs Golf Club in Leicestershire collect £1 for every ball that lands in the bunker on their 8th hole. They make sure they receive all the donations by having a collection box in their clubhouse and posters around the club to remind all members of their support.

Top tip – this can also work well if your club’s 8th hole is surrounded by water!

Get a local company to sponsor the 8th hole

Not only will they get their brand out there, but by donating the proceeds to Prostate Cancer UK, they will also be doing their bit to support a cause that affects 47,000 men every year.

We will recognise each local company that gets involved with a shout out on our social media channels.

Organising a charity golf day in support of Prostate Cancer UK? Use the 8th hole in the following ways:

  • Nearest the pin
    Use the 8th hole for nearest the pin contests (if the 8th hole at your club is a Par 3). Choose an amount to charge players to have a go and crown the winner king or queen of the 8th hole.
  • Halfway house
    If you’re having a shotgun start, then why not use the 8th hole for your halfway house? You could even sell our Prostate Cancer UK golf merchandise and "Man of Men" pin badges at the same time.

Other fundraising ideas

  • Organise a pub quiz in your clubhouse
    We’ll give you everything you need – including the quiz questions! Kit the bar out with our branded beer mats, balloons, bunting – the works.
  • Raffle
    The old ones are the best. Raffles are one of the top ways that golf clubs raise funds for us. They are easy to organise, a great way to engage with local businesses and let’s face it, who doesn’t love a good raffle?

What do we get in the 8th hole pack?

  • A branded Prostate Cancer UK flag
  • 2 x What is the 8th hole posters
  • 2 x 8th hole posters (to display your activities)
  • Awareness posters
  • Box of our Man of Men pin badges
  • Collection tin
  • Info cards
  • Copies of our 18th newsletter
  • An artwork template for your hole signage (sent via email)

How can I use the 8th hole initiative to fundraise at my club?

We've got plenty of ideas for you - see the fundraising ideas section above, or contact us at [email protected] for more!

How do I spread the word to members in my club that we are signed up?

There are two posters in your pack to explain that your club is taking part in the 8th hole initiative and why you are doing it. Please display them as prominently as you can to make sure everyone at the club knows how they can support!

Spread the word in as many ways as you can, such as your website, social media channels and in your club newsletter. We will give a shout out to all clubs taking part on our social media channels.

What if our 8th hole is already being sponsored by a company?

Why not speak to your club manager and see when the sponsor is due to change? If this is imminent then why not ask your club if the new sponsors fee could be donated to Prostate Cancer UK? (Or a percentage of it). You may also find that the current sponsor would be interested in supporting this initiative.

Can I do the 8th hole at my club for the year I’m captain?

Of course! The 8th hole initiative is a great way to help you raise funds during your year of captaincy. Why not choose this as the Captain’s Hole for the year and collect donations for any ball that goes into the bunker or lands in the water?

How do I make sure our signage has the correct logo?

We will provide you with the artwork template needed for this. We will send this to you in a separate email. Our in-house design team will need to see the final proof before it goes to print. Please give us a call on 0203 310 7231 if you need advice on this.

How can I make sure that people remember to pay in their donations?

Display the posters from your pack on the walls in prominent places around your club to spread the word on what the 8th hole is all about and what your club is doing to raise funds and awareness. Having your collection box(es) in popular areas, such as the clubhouse will also help. We would recommend putting a poster next to the collection box(es) to remind everyone to pay in their donations. It will soon become part of your club!

How often should I pay in the money that we raise?

This is up to you – if your collection box fills up quickly then we would recommend emptying it monthly so that you don’t have too much cash in the box at any time. If you would like any advice about this then please do give us a call on 0203 310 7231.

How can I pay in the funds that we have collected?

You can pay in online here, or call our Supporter Care team on 0800 082 1616.