Code of Conduct
Rider safety is very important to us, so we ask that you follow these simple steps to keep everyone safe during the ride:
- You should wear a helmet at all times when cycling.
- The Big Blue Bike Ride is a ride, not a race. Do not race or speed though any part of your chosen route. Please watch your speed for your own safety and the safety of others.
- Be aware of the Highway Code and obey it at all times.
- Be considerate of the nature of an event on the highway. Obey the rules of the road, all road signals and signage including red traffic lights and crossings. Be aware of and obey any additional signage around the course.
- Always follow the official route and direction signage - stewards will be positioned at key points along the route. Please keep a copy of the event control phone number which will be given to you before you start your ride, for if you need any assistance whilst out on the routes.
- Be aware of others around you and do not take any sudden actions without warning.
- Be considerate of other cyclists, as riders will have a variety of abilities.
- Be aware of pedestrians, particularly at designated crossing points - be prepared to slow down and stop.
- Slow down when approaching roundabouts and junctions and be prepared to stop. You must give way to other traffic in accordance with the Highway Code.
- Be considerate of other road users, in particular horse riders, cars, other cyclists and pedestrians.
- Act responsibly at all times.
- Please do not ride more than two-abreast.
- Be aware that other riders or vehicles may overtake. Please keep left and ride in single file where possible.
- Be aware that there may be parts of the route that could be challenging. There may be single lanes, tight corners, inclines and declines, please slow down at these sections and be aware of others around you. We also recommend training ahead of the event due to these aspects of the route, particularly if you are new to cycling.
- Wear your event rider number on your bike until you have completed the ride.
- Find a suitable place to stop and fix any bike problems. Mechanical support will be available should you be unable to repair your problem but please be patient if the mechanics are attending to another call.
- Do not drop litter, use bins provided at Windsor Race Course or service areas.