Best Practice and Innovation
To assist and inspire you, we’re sharing a selection of best practice innovations and case studies that we hope can support you in your own practice.

Best Practice Pathway
We want every man with prostate cancer, or at risk of it, to have access to the same high quality care.
Click here

This toolkit is designed to provide PCNs with practical advice, easy to adopt interventions and printable flowcharts to support the deliver of the 2022/23 DES on prostate cancer.
See here

The Nursing Framework
The Framework has been developed to guide both existing and aspiring prostate cancer nurses, as well as line managers, employers, and policymakers on the core skills, knowledge and training that the prostate cancer nursing staff will need and gain as they progress through their role.
The CNS Framework

Making the case for CNSs
We want every man with prostate cancer to have access to a named CNS, who can provide the specific support he needs. We've produced a guide for decision makers to help you develop a strategic plan for CNSs in prostate cancer care.
View here

mpMRI protocols
Our mpMRI scanner protocols for optimising image quality for prostate MRI, produced with the Society and College of Radiographers.
Read more

Professional Guidelines
We share with you some national guidelines, best practice and consensus on areas like PSA and active surveillance to help provide support and information for you in your role.