Resources and Information

Find all the information you need about diagnosing prostate cancer, including information on the PSA blood test, and a toolkit for your consultation.
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Risk Awareness
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. In the UK, 1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer in their lifetime; for Black men, this risk increases to 1 in 4. Find out more about risk awareness and the role it has to play in diagnosis.
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Patient Care and Treatments
Resources to support patients who have a diagnosis or are undergoing treatment for prostate cancer.
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Best Practice and Innovation
A selection of best practice innovations and case studies to support you in your own practice. This is a selection of both projects we've heard about, and the projects and services that we’ve developed.
Best Practice and Innovation

We have a bold ambition: to stop prostate cancer limiting men's lives. And it’s through funding research that we will make this happen. Find out about our research.
Our research

Specialist Nurse Services
The Specialist Nurses are here to help everyone navigate their prostate cancer journey.
Our Specialist Nurses