202306 Improvement Programmes Network Conference Cpd Learning

Leading Improvement

Since 2019, our short programmes have developed over 200 clinicians; impacting nearly 70,000 patients, their families and numerous Trusts all over the UK.

Our short programmes are a fundamental area of our work. They give us the chance to deliver material to target specific areas of the pathway and reach more patients. Our redesigned format run on a 20 week basis and will support you in mobilising change within your organisation. 

Submit an application!

We're taking applications for our Faster Diagnostic Standard Programme.

Find out more

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Our recent and current programmes

We recently finished our Clinical Leads and Primary Care Programmes with 100% of our participants recommending us to a colleague. 

We are currently running our Sexual Wellbeing Programme. 

The History of our Short Programmes

The Improvement Programmes Team was created by Prostate Cancer UK in 2019. The first two years, we delivered three programmes- Supported Self Management, Clinical Leads (in collaboration with BAUS) and Advanced Disease. These programmes improved prostate cancer care for over 14,000 men. 

Due to the impact of the pandemic, Clinical Leads was the only short programme to go ahead in 2021. As a direct result of this programme, over 11,000 patients will have experienced an improvement in quality of prostate cancer care. In recent years, we have run an End of Life and Palliative Care Programme, Change and Innovators, Active Surveillance, Urology Clinical Leads and Primary Care.

We're currently running Sexual Wellbeing and are looking forward to Faster Diagnostic Standard Programme and an Inequality in Prostate Cancer Care Programme in 2025. 

Man And Nurse Talking

Active Surveillance

Explored protocols around active surveillance to increase capacity and improve care.

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Primary Care

We explored the challenges faced by primary care, with our clinicians driving change in this space.

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Clinical Leads 2024

We empowered clinicians across the UK to develop their leadership skills to drive change.

If you'd like to discuss our short programmes, please contact the Improvement Programmes Team.


Our Prostate Cancer UK Improvement Programmes are partly funded by grants from Astellas Pharma Ltd, Bayer UK and Roche Products Ltd. However, none of these organisations have any influence over the educational content of the programmes.

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External funding opportunities

If you've missed the deadline or can’t find a grant specific to your research project, don’t worry...there are many other organisations that offer funding to support prostate cancer research.
Find out more now
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Looking for collaborators?

If you need some help with building a research team and would like support in coordinating discussions with other researchers, please don't hesitate to contact us and we can help to facilitate these communications.
Contact us
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Academy of Medical Research Charities

Our research funding processes have been certified by the Association of Medical Research Charities as providing best practice in medical and health research peer review.
Find out more