Free resources and support for your patients

Your patients can access these services directly. Find out more about our patient support and how it can help your patients.

Order publications for your patients

Virtual support group

We run a monthly group chat for men who are on active surveillance and want to share experiences and ask questions to other men on the same treatment. The group chat happens on the first Tuesday of each month from 7-8pm.

Join the chat

Easy access to information

We believe it’s vital that men, and their loved ones, have the information they need to support them throughout their prostate cancer journey – diagnosis, treatment, and beyond. Health professionals can order Prostate Cancer UK Patient Information Points to enable men and their families attending urology clinics to browse our free information at their own pace.

This flyer provides more information about the points themselves. The Information Points are free of charge and available for Urology clinics across the UK, to order one, contact us.

Our popular support service

Our Specialist Nurses provide a range of services for patients and professionals. All of our Specialist Nurses have worked in the NHS, and have specialist knowledge in prostate disease combined within a range of expertise in other practice areas.

They’re here to be an extra resource for your patients, so please sign-post them to our team if they'd benefit from some extra support. You too can contact our nurses for your own reference; practice nurses and social care professionals often get in touch about research, treatment and side-effects. Contact the team

Our ten-week telephone service

Our Fatigue support service is a ten-week telephone service delivered by our Specialist Nurses to help men manage their fatigue, a major side effect of prostate cancer treatment.

Our nurses schedule four 30-45 minute calls over the period to support men in making positive changes to their behaviour and lifestyle that could improve their fatigue.

The service won’t be suitable for everyone, so please ask patients to fill in the enquiry form for more information.

Personal stories and experiences

We run a thriving and engaged online community, made up of thousands of active members who learn from others, share their experiences of prostate disease, ask questions and offer support.

If you feel one of your patients might benefit form connecting with other men who’ve had similar experiences then please tell them about the community. It is very simple to join and registration is free.

Our trained support volunteers

If one of your patients is finding it difficult to come to terms with a diagnosis, make a treatment choice or cope with everyday effects and could benefit from speaking to someone with personal experience, please put them in touch with our One-to-one support service (0800 074 8383, text relay prefix 18001).

Our trained support volunteers can offer support to men or their partners by sharing their experience of many areas of treatment, as well as the impact of prostate cancer on relationships, sex, work and life.

From testing to treatment

Our literature covers information about all aspects of prostate health, from testing and diagnosis to treatment and side effects including benign disease.

Patients can order their own materials but we encourage you to order them for your workplace too. You can order any of our publications for your patients for free and in bulk.

All of our information is reviewed by a panel of health professionals before it is published and meets the Information Standard. Order resources here

Our information folder

The Tool Kit can be a handy resource for you in your work, as you can tailor the kit to meet the individual case and needs of each patient: for example selecting the information on surgery rather than radiotherapy.

You can use the Tool Kit as a reference guide or order larger numbers of individual fact sheets to give to your patients.

Men diagnosed with prostate cancer can also order a personally tailored copy by calling our Helpline on 0800 074 8383. Download or order the toolkit

For radical prostatectomy

We have created surgery support packs designed to help men prepare for radical prostatectomy (surgery) and cope with any problems leaking urine after their catheter is removed. It includes information about the operation and side effects, as well as samples of male incontinence pads, disposable sanitary bags and cleansing wipes.

Please share these packs with your patients pre-prostatectomy, in preparation for their treatment. Note that the packs are aimed at supporting men in the early stages and do not cover long-term incontinence so it’s one pack per patient only. You can request up to ten packs per order for your hospital. Order packs here

Supporting you and your patients locally

We want to make sure there's access to local prostate cancer support across the UK, so we've been collaborating with the NHS, the voluntary sector and community organisations to develop and commission it. We're expanding our reach, and want to work in partnership with professionals in primary, secondary and community care to design services that meet local needs.

Our support groups

If you’d like to explore service development with us please contact us.

The rights and the risks

We want to make sure that men know their rights and risks around prostate disease. So, we’ve put together the ways we can help you to promote an understanding of prostate disease in your workplace – whether that be for men at risk, their partners, or their family and friends.


Awareness talks

Fatigue support

- Live chat

Our Specialist Nurses

- Webinar: Managing employment and prostate cancer

- e-Learning: Introduction to diet and prostate cancer

Expert information for health professionals

At Prostate Cancer UK we believe all men should be aware of the risk factors for prostate cancer and have access to reliable, clear and up-to-date information regarding testing. We support the right of men aged 50 and over to make an informed choice about the PSA test following a discussion about the pros and cons with their GP. Order a pack here

A list of all our free publications and resources

Our health professionals' publications catalogue contains details of all of our current publications, information and resources for patients and health professionals. Order a catalogue