Education and Training

2022 Guidelines Live Hcp Conference

Conferences and Webinars

Discover our collections of online conferences and webinars, featuring experts in the field of prostate cancer and patient care. Register for upcoming events or watch past sessions on demand.
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Courses and Workshops

Our programmes equip clinicians with leadership, communication, and management skills to drive positive change. We support them in delivering high-quality prostate cancer care across their trusts.
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Online learning Platform

Our library of online courses and recorded webinars: comprehensive, free, and built for health professionals.
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202302 GP And Consultant Shoot Rosie Lonsdale 132

Past Projects

Find out what we've achieved
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Shared Image (3) Holly Currier

Clinical Champions

Applications for our 2025/2026 programme are now open. Our programme will support and inspire you to drive meaningful improvements for people living with or at risk of prostate cancer.
Clinical champions programme
202302 GP And Consultant Shoot Rosie Lonsdale 111

Research funding call: Real-World Evidence

Our Real-World Evidence for Health Equity in Prostate Cancer Awards supports research projects that leverage real-world data (RWD) to fill critical evidence gaps. This research aims to fully understand and address health inequity in prostate cancer, starting with Black men.
Apply now
202002 Advanced Disease Improvement Programme post its workshop conference

Research and Studies

Here you can find our research funding opportunities and when they open for application.
Funding opportunities


Male Urology Learning Week

Our flexible education programme is now offering a week of free brand-new modules, designed to meet your professional needs in supporting men’s health. Gain CPD points while learning about the latest developments in prostate cancer.
Male Urology Learning Week
202306 Improvement Programme Network Conference Cpd Learning Teach

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