Matthew Hobbs - Director of Research

Matthew was appointed Director of Research in June 2020, having joined the organisation in 2013 as Deputy Director of Research. He is responsible for overseeing our ambitious research strategy, and making sure that only research with the best chance of making a difference for men is funded. Matthew leads our research team: ensuring that we are fully informed about prostate cancer research happening around the world, identifying and investing in areas of the highest strategic importance, and making funding decisions based on sector-leading processes that exceed AMRC best practice guidance. He is well known across the medical research sector having provided informal advice to many other funders, and regularly collaborates with and delivers ‘masterclasses’ for the AMRC. He is also an elected Trustee of the National Cancer Research Institute.
Prior to his roles with Prostate Cancer UK Matthew was the Head of Research at Diabetes UK (2012-13), Senior Project Manager for the NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre (2010-2012) and Knowledge Transfer Partner with Manchester Business School developing tools for the NHS to support commercial clinical trials (2009-2010). He has a PhD in Chemistry, and MChem in Chemistry with French, from the University of Liverpool.
Outside of work Matthew is a keen runner, currently chasing an elusive sub 3:20 marathon, and even keener purchaser of running shoes. He is a committed Evertonian, spending much of his spare time being bitter about Liverpool FC’s current success, and turning to American sports when English football becomes too depressing.