Chiara De Biase - Director of Health Services, Equity & Improvement

2023 Chiara De Biase Headshot

Chiara is the Director of Health Services, Equity & Improvement, and joined Prostate Cancer UK in September 2021. She oversees all the charity activity for direct services to men and their families and the clinical community; Health information, clinical education, policy and health influencing, peer support, specialist nurses and cancer data specialists.

Chiara was previously Director of Patient Services at Anthony Nolan for nine years, establishing a new team and a whole suite of new services for patients, families and health care professionals working in blood cancer and stem cell transplant. A passionate advocate for palliative and end of life care, Chiara managed the Macmillan Information and Support Centre at King’s College Hospital and was involved in several research projects with the Cicely Saunders Institute of Palliative Care.

As a clinician, Chiara was a specialist physiotherapist in cancer and palliative care and worked for many years on the oncology wards at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital and has first-hand experience of the challenges that people face with a diagnosis of prostate cancer.

Chiara lives in Yorkshire with her family, coaches her son’s football team, is a passionate Leeds United fan and loves all things Italian! She is also a clinical trustee for Candlelighters; a Yorkshire based children’s cancer charity.