You’re important to us

We will only use your contact details as you have told us we can, and we will always listen to and respect your decisions. We promise that...

We’ll be transparent about the use of your donations

  • You can see regular updates on how we spend your donations, and read all about how your support helps in our annual report
  • 71p in every £1 is spent directly on our objectives (2020-21 figures). We invested the rest in fundraising and the efficient running of the organisation

Whilst we have increased expenditure on charitable activities, we have made significant investment in our income generation, which has resulted in the proportion of spending on charitable activities decreasing. This is a planned increase in investment in income generation to enable the transformative increase in research, support and awareness-raising activities that are so urgently needed.

Your data is safe with us

  • Your contact details will not be sold or swapped. We never have and never will do this
  • Your data is only shared with our suppliers and agencies, which work on our behalf and manage your data securely. We regularly check the processes and act quickly if they don’t meet our high standards
  • You can find out more about how we use your data in our privacy policy.

We won’t contact you if you don’t want to hear from us

  • You can get updates on how you’re beating prostate cancer. But if you don’t want to hear from us, just tell us so
  • If you no longer want to hear from us through the post, email or by telephone, just let us know.

We’ll contact you in a way that suits you

  • If we telephone you, we will always ask if you want to take the call
  • You can have opportunities to fight cancer, without undue pressure to donate
  • You might meet one of our army of volunteers, many of whom have experience of prostate cancer, raising money at events like football matches
  • We’ll make sure anybody you hear from, whether it’s one of our staff or someone working on our behalf, gives you the highest quality service.

We aim to exceed fundraising regulations and guidelines

We always aim for the highest standards, and continually update how we work to keep in line with changes in guidelines and best practice.

We listen and we learn

  • We know that we won’t always get it right, and if we get things wrong, we will always do our best to put things right again
  • If have any questions about our work, please contact us at [email protected] or call 0800 082 1616.