Our Supporters
13 Jun 2021
This article is more than 3 years old

WATCH: Keep dads dancing this Father's Day

As we approach Father’s Day, we ask the nation to imagine a day without all the selfless, funny, brilliant things dads do that make them great. The care, the jokes, the dancing! The little things we miss when they’re lost too soon.

As we approach Father’s Day, we ask the nation to imagine a day without all the selfless, funny, brilliant things dads do that make them great. The care, the jokes, the dancing! The little things we miss when they’re lost too soon. 

Because many of us don’t have to imagine. Thousands of families lose dads to prostate cancer every year. And some of those families have joined our campaign to help save more dads this Father’s Day, including some familiar faces you’ll be hearing from in the coming weeks.

Today, we launch our campaign with the greatest dad dancing on the internet, featuring some of our supporters who’ve been treated for prostate cancer, a dance crew who raise awareness of the disease (more from them below), and many more dads busting moves and breaking hearts.

We’ll also be celebrating everything that makes dads great with some powerful films, a partnership with Papa John’s, and posters and billboards across the UK celebrating more of the ‘Dadisms’ we love.

Watch and share the film, meet some of our dad dancers below, and find out how you can get involved to help save more dads this Father’s Day.

The Outta Puff Daddys story

The Outta Puff Daddys are a 12 strong, all-dad, middle-aged dance crew and TikTok sensation based in Brighton. The crew was formed in 2012 and the current band leader Paul Jukes is a Prostate Cancer UK supporter.

Paul says, “I wear my Man of Men badge to show my support for Prostate Cancer UK and Outta Puff Daddys have been supporting the charity for a few years now. A few years ago my own father was diagnosed with prostate cancer, so we’re keen to do our bit. ”

“We break stereotypes by not looking like your normal street dance crew and we love to perform, making people stop, smile, think and dance! We dance for our own mental health and now also use our profile to promote the importance of men's mental health and prostate cancer awareness.”

“It’s important to reach out to men like ourselves. We use dancing to help raise awareness of how early diagnosis can save lives."

Andy Newcombe’s story

Andy is dancing in the garden on his daughter's 40th birthday (Glastonbury themed). The former firefighter loves cycling, cricket, travel and gardening. He’s dancing to Boom Boom by the Venga boys, his favourite song!

Andy was successfully treated for prostate cancer with radiotherapy in 2016, and was happy to show off some dad dancing to make more men aware of their risk. He said:

“Being 68 and having one son and three grandsons, I know all too well the risks of developing prostate cancer. I’m happy having a video of my dancing shared everywhere if it means we reach more men and their families.”

Keep dads dancing this Father's Day.

Keep your eyes peeled for something special with Papa John’s and our ‘Dadisms’ posters and billboards across the UK.

Men, we are with you.



With your help we can beat prostate cancer, together.
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