
Primary care follow-up of patients with prostate cancer

A tool kit for primary care nurses

The tool kit has been developed by the Transforming Cancer Services Team for London. It was developed for Croydon based primary care nurses in order to help support the enhanced prostate cancer follow-up service that is currently being rolled out across the borough.

Established evidence shows that primary care nurses are well placed to provide holistic follow-up needed by prostate cancer patients who are stable after prostate cancer treatment or who are following a watchful waiting pathway. It is anticipated that in Croydon, primary care nurses will provide varying degrees of follow-up for this patient group as part of the enhanced pathway.

This might mean providing only the initial ‘welcome appointment’ in primary care, or providing their follow-up care as well. This will be based on your skills, experience, competence and capacity within your primary care team.

The tool kit aims to provide primary care nurses with the skills, resources and confidence to assist with all aspects of the patient’s pathway once care is transferred to primary care.

The tool kit contains:

1. Example pathway ‘ Croydon Model’

Page One Operational Flowchart

2. Guide for primary care to identify possible patients for primary care follow up based on NICE guidance

Patient identifier V2

3. Letter to secondary care to request transfer of stable patient.

Transfer letter

4. Welcome pack to patients.

Welcome letter Prostate Cancer Care Plan

5. Letter to existing patients

6. Clinical template for primary care follow up can be uploaded and run on EMIS web and VISION..

EMIS web - Clinical template – ‘Prostate Cancer Follow up template’ - Upload instructions – Importing_an-EMIS_Web’

7. Letter to request an urgent out patient urology appointment

Urgent follow up letter

8. Template letter to request advice only from urology

Advice only template

9. Prostate Cancer Disease register.

Prostate Cancer disease register

10. Catalogue of recommended E modules for clinicians.

Final July 2014 Prostate Cancer Edu

11. FAQs for commissioners.

FAQ for commissioners

Download the Tool Kit (PDF)